14. madness

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"look at who we have here! .. Our sweet, loving Anastasia" said Theodore as he held up his drink and took a sip.

He smiled at him but with his devilish smile.
What could possibly happen? ..
Third Person P.O.V:

"And where have you been?" asked Theodore as he got up and stood in front of her.
"None of your concern." stated Anastasia.

Theodore laughed.

"It's like your testing me or something! ...
Riddle me this, Stassie .. How would the group reacted if I told them about you and the Weasley boy in the common room the other day?" asked Theodore.

Theodore felt in power in this moment.
Not only over the situation but over Anastasia.
He did not want to let that go.

"I don't know what your talking about" said Anastasia as she tried to make a way to her room but Theodore grabbed her wrist.

"Let me refresh your mind, my dear Anastasia" he said as he put a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"You and that Weasley boy were in the common room but most importantly, he grabbed your face and started to make out with you" recalled Theodore. "Ring a bell?" laughed Theodore.

"You think I'm a stupid?" asked Theodore in a serious tone. "No .." said Anastasia, in fear. "You think I'm a fool?" asked Theodore. "No .." replied Anastasia.

Theodore cleared his throat.

"Very well .." stated Theodore.
Theodore could sense Anastasia's fear.

"Theo, we should go to bed." stated Anastasia as she grabbed Theodore's arm, he yanked it away.

"Leave me alone, slut" said Theodore as he grabbed his drink and took a big slip of me. "Theodore .. what-what are you drinking?" asked Anastasia, in fear.

Theodore cleared his throat.
Tried his best to sober up.
He knew if he was caught drinking again ..
it was over for him.

"Juice." stated Theodore, quickly as he put his drink away. "Let me smell." asked Anastasia.

With that statement, Anastasia never understood why she got the respond she got ..

"Do you not trust me?" asked Theodore, trying to flip the script. "Theo? .. What" said Anastasia. "You don't trust me." said Theodore as he laughed.

"Are you assuming I'm drinking?" asked Theodore. Anastasia cleared her throat. "No .. Theo, I was just asking, that's all" she replied.

Yet, the worst of Theodore got the best of him. He grabbed her arm and pulled her close.

He whispered into her ear and stated.

"I do not understand why you doubt me, my beloved. You have my word when I tell you something. Smell me. Check me. But .. I have not been drinking." said Theodore.

"You know .." continued Theodore. "one day you and I will be together again. No one and I mean .. No one will get in our way. Just you and I .. forever .. just like it should be" smiled Theodore.

Anastasia stood still.
She couldn't even begin to express the fear and disgust she had.
She wanted to run .. run back into George's arms. Yet, she couldn't ...

Theodore put a piece of her hand behind her ear. His hand cupped her hand and he slowly began to lean in.

Although, Anastasia wanted to leave ..
she couldn't .. her body stood there frozen & in disbelief.

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