17. weakness

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Draco laughed.
"Now .. don't just stand there and act stupid, Anastasia" he claimed.

I took a breath.
I had no idea how I would respond so I waited to see how I would play this out.

"Whatever you are with him, it's done." he stated

and with that .. he walked away.

But .. I wasn't going to let him go without an explanation.

"Draco!" I said as I grabbed him by the shoulder and he turned away.

"What?" he asked with a serious face. "You must be mad to come up with a idea like that!" I stated.

I finally decided how I would play this: Denial

He laughed.
"I didn't come up with shit! It's disgusting to even say those statements" he claimed.

He tried to walk away again and with that, I grabbed his shoulder again.

"Where did you even come up with those stupid statement?" I asked.

"One must never tell their secrets.." he smirked.

"You must be a fool to believe whoever told you these sick, fake statements" I claimed.

I wasn't going to back out without a fight.

"Whatever you say .. Just best wish I don't find your little ginger friend around. Goodnight, my dear sister" he said as he kissed my forehead and left.

I had no power left in me.
Although it all hit me at once .. Draco now knew of my affair with a Weasley ..

The morning came rushing in.

To my luck, classes got canceled.
I didn't even bother to question why.

Yet, I was nervous.
Draco knows of my affair now & I knew I needed to tell George someway, somehow.

However, I began to question on how Draco found out ..

Pansy is the only one who knew.
She couldn't have ..

I couldn't think about this now .. I needed to find George .. as soon as possible!

I left my room to see the group hanging out in common room. Great ..

"Come on, Anastasia!" said Astoria waving me down to sit with the group.

I awkwardly went over to sit with them.
How would I get out of this one?

"You stupid git! .. It didn't count!" said Mattheo. "Yes! It clearly did!" said Goyle.

"And this is why we don't play Muggle games." said Draco as he took a sip of his beer.

As you can tell, I didn't find my way out of it.
I sat there almost the whole day hanging out with them.

Well .. of course ..
I love each and every one of them but .. George stand in the back of my mind.

We all grew hunger so I volunteered myself to get food. I believed it was my only way out.

"Thank goodness because I wasn't going to go!" said Pansy as she sat on Draco's lap.

All of them told me what they wanted and surely, I forgot because I only had one thing in mind: To talk to George.

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