16. the truth (2)

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The room stood silent.
I spoke my truth & Theodore knew that ..
and yet, he still tried to put an act

"You don't know what your talking about .." said Theodore as he left Mattheo's grip.

He walked up to me.
"Don't you fucking dare .." said Draco as he ran over to me and stood in front of me.

"Your not getting out of this one, Theodore" said Draco as he looked directly into his eyes.
"Your not putting another finger on my sister, let alone, your not going near my sister" preached Draco.

"Next time, you even dare get near my sister will be over my dead body" he stated. "Then .. I hope your time comes soon." said Theodore.

The atmosphere in the room felt awkward.
Did Theodore just wish death upon?

"What did you mean by that?" asked Matthew, jumping in. Theodore cleared his throat. "Exactly, what I meant .. Wasn't it obvious?" said Theodore.

Draco's fist was already curled up.
He was ready to throw another hit.
I put my hand on his shoulder and pushing him aside.

My hand went up in the air and connected with Theodore's cheek.

The room was filled with gasps.
I didn't flinch.
I stood there emotionless.

"ohhh .. you little bitch .." whispered Theodore.
"Imagine how I must of felt when you would do that repeatedly to me."
and with that statement, I was off ..

"I loved you, Theodore. I wanted you to get help! I never ever wanted you to go away but you needed the help. Everything I did was for you to get better! Better for yourself! Better for me and better for the relationship we had. I know your not like this .. the alcohol takes over you! I just want the old Theodore. The one who hugged me, the one who would do anything for me and the one who wouldn't take their anger on me."

the tears came racing down my face.
It felt like I have never cried in my life and I am finally letting it out.

Theodore looked at me, with no emotion showing.
I couldn't tell if he was sad, upset, guilty.

Theodore looked around the room. His face dropped.
"I'm sorry to everyone but my apologies mostly goes to you, Stassie. I let you down the most. I will always love you." he took my hand lightly and kissed it.

& with that, he left the room.

"Slick git." said Mattheo.
I quickly wiped the tear that rolled down my eye.
Does he truly mean that?

"Hopefully .. he leaves again and gets real help this time." said Draco as he fixed his suit and sat down. "But .. maybe he acted out because of the alcohol so it wasn't his fault .." asked Blaise.

All the heads turned to face him.
Was he actually being for real?

"Are you fucking dumb?" asked Pansy.
Blaise cleared his throat
"Excuse me." stated Blaise.
He took one more look at me and with that, he got up and went to Theodore's room.

"The fuck is his problem?" asked Pansy.
I didn't feel like staying in the common room.
I felt judged and hopeless.

"I'm going to go take a walk." I said
"I'll come" said everyone in the room.

"I appreciate it, guys, really but I just wanna be alone right now" I said as my voice began to crack.

Before leaving, Draco caught up to me.

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