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dave's pov  

"hey bud, you ready to go see your mommy?" i asked yoshon as i picked him up.

he nodded before i looked up at herb. he stood there with a disgusted look on his face. 

but do i give a fuck? of course not.

he better get use to me because i'm not going no where.

"well i'll see you later." herb did nothing but nodded while i just walked the fuck off his porch.

you would think by now he'll get used to me but i guess he still have on his lady thongs.

nah lemme stop talking shit about this nigga because that's still yoshon father and i have love for this lil nigga.

after putting yo-yo in his car seat, i walked over to the driver side and joined him in the truck.

"what you wanna listen to today yo?"

"baby!" i instantly knew he was talking about lil baby. 

hooking up my phone to the bluetooth because who tf still has an aux cord, i turned on on me by that nigga lil baby. 

i looked into my rearview mirror to see yo bobbing his head to the song. 

soon i drove out of the driveway of herb's estate onto the streets of chicago. 

"ice cream!" yo yelled from the backseat.

"you want come ice cream ma dude?"

"yes dave" i chuckled before change the route on the gps to the nearest cold stone.

i'm real life ready to go home but i'll do anything for this lil nigga just like ari would do anything for kairi.

the voice for maps got interrupted by the phone ringing.

i looked at the screen of my car to see that my baby was calling me. 

i quickly answered thinking something was wrong with her because she wasn't called me when i've been out since she's been home from the hospital.

"yes baby." i said with so much calmness in my voice.

"don't bring yoshon here okay?"


"it's to much to explain but drop him off at tae's then come here asap."

"but wh-"

"dave can you just shut the fuck up and do what i asked." 

well damn.

ari's pov

pacing the kitchen floor back and forth i didn't know what to do with michael's dead body.

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