Christmas special: Saving Grace

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I know I'm posting this after the new year has started but I've been stressed lmao, anyway I hope you enjoy!!

"Hey y/n?" Asra calls out to me from the kitchen. I hang up my coat as I just came back from a walk. I walk into the kitchen and gasp as I see Asra and Faust covered in some sort of batter.

"I told you the mixer was broken asra!" I grab them by the collar and pull them upstairs to where the bathroom is. "Wash yourself off and I'll try to make the cut out cookies myself because I don't trust you."

I turn away and go to the stairs, I let a soft chuckle escape my lungs. It's honesty quite adorable how they feel they are the one to be responsible for me and everyone else. But they deserve a break for today.

As I walk down toward the kitchen I hear the door open alongside a meow. "Portia can you please help me in the kitchen?" I call out to her.

"Ah, did Asra make another mess-" she stops as she sees the kitchen. "Oh my god" the silence is like a knife, but soon I hear a laugh and gasps of air. I turn my head seeing portia on the floor crying while slapping her knee.

"This isn't funny Portia! I'm left with having to do the cookies on my own! We were all supposed to decorate together." I say while throwing my hands in the air.

She stops laughing and wipes the tears from her eyes, "I'm sorry y/n, I'll get to cleaning while you prepare the cookie batter. Then we can both cut them out and bake them!" I smile at Portia and walk over to hug her.

"Thank you so much for you help. I'll have to figure out how to repay you." I whisper as I feel the weight get lifted off my shoulders.

"I always could use a new pinafore ya know." (Pretend you know how to sew) She winks and walks to where we keep all the cleaning supplies. She's like a saving grace sometimes.


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