Chapter 14: Almost

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Chapter 14

I glanced at my phone as a new text arrived.

Upon seeing that it was Chris, I turned it over and continued to eat my cereal.

"Who was that?" Alex asked curiously, his mouth filled with cereal.

"Oh just a friend from the summer." I shrugged, glancing at Mark.

"Whoa you saw Chris didn't you!" Mark said excitedly. "Were the girls with him?"

"No no they weren't and no we're not seeing them today." I shook my head. "You don't need to be tempted by your summer fling." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on you're just saying that because you don't want to see Chris." Mark sighed.

"Not true. I'm saying that because this is supposed to be a family weekend and we've already got this loser along with us." I teased, poking Logan's cheek.

He stuck his tongue out at me before taking another bite of his cereal.

"So you two are cool now or what?" Mark raised his eyebrows.

"What are we doing today?" Wesley asked Alex, completely cutting off our conversation.

Mark and I exchanged looks, while Alex just looked shocked.

"Oh uh um during the day I dunno I figured we could do whatever you guys wanted to. Tonight, however, we're going to a legit college party." Alex smiled proudly.

"Some responsible older brother you are." I teased, taking my empty cereal bowl to the sink.

"Yea, responsible. As if anyone's ever described me as that." Alex laughed, shaking his head. "But how about a tour of the campus today?"

"I mean it's already noon." Mark shrugged.

"Yea that's fine. We'll be back here in enough time for Marley to completely girl out and get ready for the party, which we all know she won't be getting any attention from college guys." Alex gave me a look.

"Not that I'd want sweaty gross boys trying to get with me." I shivered, pushing my hair back from my face. I'd showered this morning and blow dried my hair straight.

"I'll still kick Connor's ass. All you have to do is ask." Mark told me as he put his bowl away in the sink.

"Okay let's just take an hour to fully wake up, and then we'll go on a tour I guess in case any of you actually want to come here." Alex shrugged.

"How does dad afford it?" I asked curiously.

"Afford what?" Alex asked.

"He's got two kids out of state and private schools are more expensive, so is out of state, and then two more kids at Michigan. And in two years he'll have four kids in college at once." I frowned.

"Well I mean Jane's loaded." Alex shrugged.

"Yea but doesn't dad pay for-"

I froze.

"She pays for college?!" I asked in shock, my eyes widened.

"Well yea I mean dad's great but there's no way he's got enough money for seven children in college." Mark laughed. "You really thought dad paid it?"

"I just never thought about it..." I shrugged, frowning. "Huh."

"Well anyways, I'm going to be doing work, don't be too loud, please." Alex said, walking towards the stairs for the loft.

"I'm going to call Grace." Wesley sighed, walking over to the couch that was still in the form of a pull out couch.

"And I'm going to do my makeup and stuff. Nobody comes in my room." I said, walking down the hall.

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