Chapter 18: The Break-Up (Flashback)

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Chapter 18


"No arguing. Go upstairs. You leave tomorrow morning."

Mark and I just looked at each other in shock as we stood up.

How the hell were we supposed to manage the entire summer away from everyone?

Mark and I didn't say a word to each other as we walked upstairs.

"What did he want?" I heard Logan say as Mark walked into his room.

"You should probably go talk to Marley." Mark said softly as I walked into my own room.

I didn't shut the door, but I heard it shut a moment later as Logan walked in.

"What's going on?" He frowned, walking over to the bed as I laid down on my stomach.

"Dad's making Mark and I go live with our aunt for the summer." I groaned into the pillow.

"I have no idea what you just said." Logan laughed. "Your voice is all muffled."

I sighed, rolling over onto my back.

My thick hair got caught in my face and in my mouth as I tried to push it away from my eyes.

Boy I needed a haircut.

"My father is making Mark and I go stay with our Aunt Audrey in North Carolina for the summer." I sighed, carefully watching my boyfriend's face.

His eyes widened slightly.

"North Carolina?" Logan asked. "Well damn we'll just have to get really good at phone sex." Logan teased, poking my side.

"Can you be serious?" I sighed, sitting up straight. "I won't have my phone or laptop or anything and I'm not exactly going to use my Aunt's phone all the time."

Logan frowned.

"Well then what are you saying?" Logan whispered, resting his weight on his elbow.

"We can manage." I said softly.

"What if we don't..." Logan said, his voice hesitant.

"Oh come on we're Marly and Logan, we'll manage." I giggled.

"No I mean like... Like what if we don't even try." Logan said quietly, looking down at his hands.

I took a deep breath.

"Logan..." I said softly.

"No no no just hear me out, okay?" Logan sighed, looking up at me.

I frowned.

Shouldn't I be the one who's saying this? Shouldn't I be the one doubting my feelings?

"Okay like obviously we both love each other, so why not just take a break and cool off this summer. That way when we get back, we'll have an entire summer to talk about and we'll be closer than ever." Logan said. "This isn't a bad thing."

"Okay well now I have a confession." I said quickly.

If this was ending, it might as well end with a bang and get this damn weight off of my chest.

"Okay?" Logan frowned, scanning my face.

"So do you remember in the Bahamas when you first told me you loved me?" I said quietly.

"Absolutely, scariest day of my life when I thought you didn't love me back." Logan laughed.

Oh shit.

"Well do you remember what I'd been saying before? About how I didn't necessarily believe in love and I thought it was a thing that was just sort of made up?" I said, biting my lip.

Logan slowly nodded, beginning to catch on to what I was saying.

"Well what if my views didn't really change on that topic..." I whispered, sitting up with my knees underneath me.

"Are you telling me you don't love me?" Logan asked quietly.

I bit my lip, unsure how to go on from this.

"I'm not saying that I don't love you... I'm just saying that I'm not so sure if I do..." I sighed.

"That doesn't even make sense. But are you telling me that you've waited 8 months into our relationship to tell me that you don't even love me? Why the hell are we still together?" Logan asked, standing up from the bed.

"No please don't be mad..." I sighed, getting up as well. "I've tried to love you, I really have. But come on, we're in high school, this isn't real dating this is just superficial dating and you know that. Like what do you expect, that we're going to grow old together and have kids?" I laughed.

"Well no but I figured we could at least have a relationship not built on lies." Logan frowned.

"Uh coming from the guy who was sleeping with his best friend's sister for three months before telling him. Yea, no lies, sure." I rolled my eyes.

"Uh well if we're blaming people now how about the girl who was so damn desperate that all she could get was her brother's best friend." Logan snapped.

I just looked at him.

"Logan you're not insulting me there, you're insulting yourself." I pointed out, giving him a weird look. "Look just stop overreacting about this would you?"

"Overreacting? You're the one who just told me that you don't even love me." Logan said, shaking his head.

"Excuse me but you're the one who suggested we break up." I laughed. "Shouldn't I be the mad one here?"

"Not permanently break up, just for the summer." Logan crossed his arms.

"Okay okay so like we'd be able to sleep with other people? We'd be able to do whatever the hell we wanted?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Well yea." Logan shrugged. "I mean not that we necessarily would but yea we can. It would be nice to have a change from the regular old boring stuff."

My jaw dropped.

"Do you realize that you are looking me in the eye and telling me that I am boring in bed, and that you want to have just three months to sleep with whoever you want, and then proposing that we just carry on like nothing happened? Yea okay you're making total sense." I rolled my eyes.

"Coming from the girl who's been lying to me for 8 months?" Logan raised his eyebrows. "You're so self-centered to think that this is all about you!"

"Oh excuse me for being confused when my boyfriend tells me he wants to break up to sleep with other people!" I yelled, putting my hands on my hips.

"That's not what I meant I-"

"No you know what Logan just get out." I shook my head.

"Excuse me?"

"I said get out. Get out of my room get out of my house get out of my damn life okay? You can go and sleep with whoever the hell you want because we're done. I'll be in North Carolina and you'll be here and when school starts again we just won't talk to each other." I said harshly.

"You- You're breaking up with me?" Logan whispered, his eyes wide.

"No Logan I'm just finishing the breakup that you started." I hissed. "Get out. I have to pack."

Logan just shook his head, walking out of the room.

I sighed, sitting down on my bed as tears collected in my eyes.

If he wanted to be with other people for the summer, then that's what he could do.

But I knew how I'd be spending my summer...

I'd keep my head down and do whatever dad tells us to so that by the time we're home, we'll be in the good books again.

There's no way in hell that I'd be with anyone else this summer.

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