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"Look, dad, no I can't come in this weekend." I groaned, holding the phone between my shoulder and my chin. 

"But it's your brother's birthday-"

"Daddy. It is always somebody's birthday, or a holiday, or just a special occasion where you try and ship me across the country. I have finals." I sighed, reaching into my purse for my keys. 

"Marley you haven't been home in months." My dad said softly. "Heather and Emma miss you." 

"Dad home will always be Michigan and even you aren't in Michigan." I said, frowning as I couldn't find my keys. "But tell Emma I said hi and next time I come home we'll have a princess tea party and make Logan dress up in a pink tiara." I laughed. 

After dad and Heather got married, they had a kid. I would've thought they were both too old to have kids, but sure enough, little baby Emma was born. She's four now and absolutely obsessed with everything pink and princess. Gross. 

"You're coming home after graduation though?" My dad asked. Well it was more him telling me.

"Yea but all of you better be coming for graduation." I replied instantly, pulling my keys out of the bottom of my purse. 

"Absolutely. We wouldn't miss it. We're already making sure everyone can come." Dad said happily. 

"You better be. It's in less than two weeks." I mumbled, pushing open the door. "But look, I just got home and I have to go I'll call you tomorrow." 

"Alright, tell Logan I said hi." 

"Absolutely." I mumbled, already hanging up the phone. "I'm home!" 

Logan jumped, dropping a plate onto the counter. 

"Did I scare you?" I laughed, setting my stuff down on the kitchen table. 

"We need to talk." My boyfriend said softly, turning around to face me. 

"Uh oh. What's wrong?" I raised my eyebrows, walking over to him. 

"I was doing some thinking earlier and-"

"You? Thinking? Don't hurt yourself." I teased, wrapping my arms around him. 

"Marley, please be serious." Logan said softly, stepping back from me. 

"Dang." I muttered, a frown crossing my face. "What's going on?" 

"Come on, I've got something for you." Logan said, reaching for my hand. 

I raised my eyebrows as he softly pulled me behind him to the couch. 

I laughed as he pulled me down on his lap. 

"You went from serious to romantic in like two seconds." I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

Logan shrugged, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"The first time I realized I was falling for you was the summer before my junior year. It was just after a particularly brutal football practice and I went home with Mark and everybody. We were in the game room, absolutely shredding it on Fifa." 

"Don't flatter yourself. You suck at Fifa." I teased, smiling down at him. 

"Sh." Logan laughed, his eyes meeting mine. "But fine, we were poorly playing Fifa, and you come marching in, pissed off as hell at something that Mark did. I don't even remember what it was, but I remember you were yelling at him and-"

"He took my iPhone charger and accidentally broke it and didn't even tell me." I mumbled. 

"That's beside the point. But anyways, you noticed me, and your eyes widened slightly, and an 'oh shit' look came across your face. And your face flushed red with embarrassment and you just quickly spun around and left the room upon seeing me. It was the cutest thing ever and that night I just found myself wondering what it would be like to date you." Logan smiled, squeezing my waist softly. 

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