Chapter 15: College Party

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Chapter 15

"Boo." Someone said behind me.

I gasped, turning around with wide eyes.

"Chris!" I exclaimed, hitting his arm. "You know I hate that."

"Yea yea yea whatever. Why didn't you tell me you were coming here!" He laughed, leaning against the table next to me.

"Because it was Alex's idea and I have no idea where the hell he went." I rolled my eyes. "And my other brothers ditched me as well."

"Well can I get you a drink?" Chris offered, raising his eyebrows.

"I dunno... I shouldn't really be drinking." I sighed, shaking my head.

"Oh come on. Marley Ryder not get drunk? Please." Chris rolled his eyes.

"Just one." I made him promise as I followed him into the kitchen of the frat house.

"Yea like that's gonna happen." Chris laughed as he grabbed a plastic cup from the counter.

I rolled my eyes, glancing around the kitchen.

Mark was making a point to keep Logan and I separated, and since Wesley was mad at me, the three of them were all hanging out and they left me alone in a house full of drunk college kids.

Chris handed me a cup of beer and I gave him a smile of thanks.

"Don't let me get too drunk." I told him before taking my first sip of the night.


"I think I'm a little drunk." I giggled, stumbling up to Mark.

"Marley?" He frowned, grabbing my arm. "Where the hell have you been?"

"Chris and I just dominated at beer pong." I giggled, unable to stand straight without tipping over.

"Chris? Chris is here?" Mark frowned. "Where the hell is Alex we need to leave."

"Why! I'm having fun!" I said loudly, blinking my eyes to stop the room from spinning.

"Because you are a high school junior at a party with college seniors and I don't trust them." Mark told me. "Wesley go find Alex."

"No why should I? It's her damn problem." Wesley rolled his eyes.

I frowned, trying to remember why he was mad at me.

"Because she's your sister. Go find Alex." Mark snapped.

"No! She should be able to take care of herself I'm not the damn babysitter." Wesley hissed.

Mark grabbed the front of his shirt.

"Your sister is absolutely shit face in a house filled with horny 22 year old guys with alcohol and drugs in their system. I'm done with your shitty games this weekend okay? Go find Alex or get the hell out of here." Mark hissed.

Wesley shoved Mark away before storming off towards the door.

"Logan stay here with her, don't let her out of your sight. I'm going to find Alex." Mark said harshly, sitting me down on a couch. "And don't touch her." He added harshly.

Logan laughed, sitting down next to me.

"How much did you drink?" Logan asked with a laugh.

I shook my head, crossing my arms.

"Mark told you to be good." I said, turning my head to look at him. "You're not being good."
"What am I doing?" Logan raised his eyebrows with an amused laugh.

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