Chapter 2: Friends?

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Chapter 2

“Did you hear what happened last night?” Nicole gushed, rushing up to me as I walked in through the front doors of school. 

I raised my eyebrows. “What that I kicked your ex boyfriend’s ass in knee sock hockey because yea that should be national news.” I teased. 

Nicole rolled her eyes. “No. Logan broke up with Jenny.” Nicole replied, nudging my hip. “It’s your chance girl, go for it.” 

I shook my head, a frown forming on my face. 

“Logan and I are over, Nicole. Just as over as you and Mark.” I sighed, giving her a look. 

“Last night was really great.” Mark said softly to Nicole, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. “I’m glad we talked.” He whispered, kissing her cheek. 

“Are you kidding me.” I whispered, shaking my head. It was like a damn knife in the back. 

Mark and I were going to conquer this school year the exact same way we did the summer. Single and no feelings. 

“Marley, I can explain.” Mark said softly, his arms still around Nicole. 

My poor best friend looked absolutely confused. 

“No no you can’t explain.” I snapped. “You promised me… You…“ I trailed off, shaking my head. “No you know what be happy. Be a damn happy couple because we all know how damn well relationships last with our family!” I said harshly before turning to walk to my first hour. 

“Hey are you okay?” Grace asked, breaking away from Wesley to walk next to me. 

“Yes I’m fine right now Grace just please give me space.” I whispered, shaking my head. 

Grace nodded, giving me a soft smile before walking back to Wesley. 

I would’ve been completely happy with walking to my first hour alone, not talking to anybody, but apparently Jenny had other ideas. 

“Are you happy now?” She asked harshly, suddenly appearing in front of me. 

“I’d be a lot happier if you were out of my way.” I crossed my arms, stepping back from her. 

“Are you happy now that you got your little Logan back?” Jenny hissed. “He broke up with me because he said he ‘didn’t like the way I was talking to you’.” 

I raised my eyebrows. “Honey I could care less what he does.” I rolled my eyes. “I broke up with him months ago and if he wants to settle for something like you then honestly I’m happy for you guys.” 

“You’re so full of shit.” Jenny said harshly, glaring at me. 

“Okay can you not see that I am not being mean to you. I am literally standing here telling you that I don’t care that you slept with my boyfriend less than a week after we broke up so you can kindly stop spitting insults at me.” I sighed, shifting my weight to my right leg. 

“Yea well I was here for him when you weren’t. I was here when you picked up and left everybody. When you left your damn best friend to go on a stupid little vacation. So don’t go telling me that I did anything wrong.” Jenny snapped, glaring at me. 

“Jenny. I am not trying to start something. I am not contradicting you at all. I am asking you to kindly get out of my way so I can get to my first hour class.” I said sincerely. 

Sure I hated her but I wasn’t exactly about to start something. 

“How about you get out of my way?” Jenny snapped. “And don’t act like you’re on a damn high horse or something. I’m sure you hooked up with someone just as soon as Logan moved on. I mean obviously you downgraded and he upgraded to me but-”

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