Chapter 21: Not Our Problem... For Once

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Chapter 21

I was practically falling asleep as I studied for my math test.

I'd completely forgotten about it all weekend, and then when the teacher started passing out the review that was due in two days, I freaked out.

It wasn't like me to absolutely forget about a test.

So now it was Monday afternoon and I should be hanging out with Logan, but no, I was laying on my bedroom floor trying to teach myself logarithms.

"Marley?" Someone asked, knocking on my door.

"Yea?" I called, turning my head to face the door as it opened.

Nicole and Grace walked in with massive grins on their faces.

"No oh my gosh no I have to study." I whined, turning back to my book.

"But you guys are back together!" Nicole exclaimed, laying down on the floor next to me.

"And you guys spent the night at your old house." Grace giggled, laying down on my other side.

"Yea until Michael and his girlfriend showed up and kicked us out so we just went to Logan's." I shrugged, shutting my math textbook. There was no way I was getting any work done now.

"Ooooh." Nicole giggled, bumping her shoulder against mine.

"Well anyways, we actually have some business to discuss." Grace said, giving me a look.

"Homecoming is less than two weeks away." Nicole added, looking at me with the exact same look.

"Okay well don't come to me I haven't been asked yet." I laughed, shaking my head. "If Logan asks me, then we'll start making plans with you guys."

"Marley, he's going to ask you. And even if he doesn't, you're still going with us." Nicole rolled her eyes.

"Ah no I'm not. I'm not going to fifth wheel with my brothers' dates." I shook my head, pushing myself up from the ground.

"But it's homecoming..." Grace whined.

"Exactly! You guys will both have your boyfriends." I laughed, shaking my head. "I'm not going without a date."

"But what about Ashley? She's not with Kellan anymore so she won't have a date." Nicole offered.

I bit my lip. "I haven't exactly spoken to Ellie and Ashley in a while..." I said awkwardly. "We're not that close anymore."

"And also, I heard that she slept with Kent so now Ellie and Ashley aren't even talking and all four of them are single." Grace added.

I raised my eyebrows.

"Kent cheated on Ellie? Are you kidding me?" Nicole gasped. "What kind of asshole cheats on their girlfriend."

My eyes widened.

At first, when I saw that Nicole and Mark were still together, I figured they talked about the fact that he cheated... But he didn't even tell her!

"I'll be right back." I said quickly, turning to walk towards the door.

"Wait! Marley come on don't be so negative!" Nicole called after me.

I actually took the time to knock on Mark's door, waiting impatiently for him to open it.

"What!" He barked from inside.

I pushed open the door, slamming it behind me.

"Oh she's pissed." Logan laughed from the couch.

"Are you insane?!" I hissed, walking towards Mark.

"What?" He laughed, not taking his eyes away from the video game he was playing.

I pulled the controller out of his hands, throwing it onto the couch next to him.

"Nicole doesn't know you cheated." I said harshly.

Logan gasped, almost making me laugh. It was as if this was some soap opera plot twist that he wasn't expecting.

"You didn't tell her did you?" Mark whispered, his eyes wide.

"No! No I didn't tell her because you're going to tell her." I said harshly. "She's in there talking about how awful it is that Kent cheated on Ellie with Ashley and how only assholes cheat on their girlfriend."

Mark shifted uncomfortably.

"It was like right when we got back together anyways." Mark mumbled.

"That makes it worse! Right you get back with her you should've been completely lovestruck and nothing else was on your mind!" I exclaimed, putting my hands on my hips. "And then you go and keep it from her?!"

"Marley stay out of my business okay?" Mark said quietly, crossing his arms.

"Oh yea and like you'd listen to me if I asked you to do the same? You're constantly in my problems with Logan so now it's my turn to be the annoying sibling, got it? You're going to tell Nicole that you cheated on her and you're going to make sure that I'm never in the middle of one of your little arguments again." I said harshly, glaring at him.

"What are you guys screaming about in here?" Nicole laughed as she walked into the room.

I gasped, turning to look at her.

"Grace went into Wesley's room and all I could hear was Marley yelling at Mark." Nicole laughed. "So I figured I'd come save my boyfriend."

"No no I'm done I can't do this." I shook my head, holding up my hands. "Mark you're on your own. Do whatever the hell you want."

"And I'll follow you." Logan mumbled, standing up from the couch as I walked towards the door.

"No Logan don't go!" Mark yelled frantically.

"What's going on?" I heard Nicole ask as Logan shut the door behind us.

"He didn't even tell me that he cheated." Logan said softly, following me into my room.

"Yea well he better tell Nicole." I mumbled. "I mean it's one thing to cheat, but to not tell your girlfriend? Logan, if you ever cheat on me please just tell me." I added as I turned to face him.

"Marley Ryder, I will never cheat on you." Logan said softly, resting his hands on my waist.

"Okay but if you ever do, just tell me so I'm not the stupid, oblivious girlfriend." I sighed.

Logan just nodded.

"Now will you please teach me logarithms because I have a test tomorrow and I'm completely lost." I mumbled, looking over at my math textbook.

"That's the first time you've ever asked for help with school from me!" Logan said excitedly. "Because I'm a senior and you're a junior and I'm smarter." He added with a laugh.

"Don't push it." I laughed, sitting down on the floor by my math stuff.

"I mean I'm the smart attractive older guy that all the girls are in love with. What are you gonna do to make this worth my time?" Logan raised his eyebrows as he sat down next to me.

"Uh how about the fact that I put up with your lame jokes." I rolled my eyes, a smile spreading on my face.


"It's the truth!"

"Do you want homework help or not?" Logan sighed.

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