Chapter 5: The Morning After

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Chapter 5

I slowly pulled myself out of bed at the sound of my alarm. 

It was 5:30 in the morning.

Every nerve in my body was in pain and my head felt like I’d been stabbed. 

I turned off my alarm, stumbling through the dark room to the bathroom. 

The light was blinding, but the sight I saw when my eyes adjusted was even worse.

I had a black eye and the gash on my forehead was red and angry. My face was pale and I had awful bags under my eyes. 

I swore under my breath, wincing as I reached to turn on the shower. 

My neck was killing me. The damn car window is harder than it looks. 

I shuddered to think of what could’ve happened if I’d hit the window harder. 

A cry escaped my lips as I managed to get my pajamas off. I felt like I’d been hit by a bus. 

Well I guess that was reasonable, considering I’d been hit by an insane woman in an SUV yesterday.

But today, today I was going to look my absolute best.

I may feel like shit, but I had to look perfect.

I had to. I just had to.

I shampooed and conditioned my hair twice. Today was going to be a good hair day.

I shaved my legs, actually taking my time to do a good job. 

And I used about three coats of soap. 

Staying in just my towel, I began to blow my hair dry after the shower. 

My arms were on fire, holding the blow drier above my head for so long. But hey, no pain no gain right?

Maybe that doesn’t quite fit the situation, but good enough.

I styled my hair like I always wear it straight, with volume and slightly curved at the end, framing my face. 

My makeup would be a difficult task today…

I walked back into my room, turning on the lights this time. I sat down at my desk with all of my makeup and pulled my makeup mirror towards me. 

Starting with a heavy coat of foundation, especially on my forehead and around my eyes, I got rid of the blemishes. 

I didn’t wear any makeup over the summer, I missed putting it on.

I didn’t over do it today, just enough to make my face not look as awful as I felt.

By the end of the morning, I was wearing a black bubble skirt and a long sleeve maroon, lace shirt. My legs were moisturized and silly and I wearing a cute pair of black flats. 

Heels would look gorgeous with this outfit, but I wasn’t going to be that girl who wore heels to school… Plus, I didn’t think I’d be able to walk in them today…

I sprayed extra perfume before walking over to my jewelry drawer. I put on a simple pair of tiny pearl earrings, and my silver rings in the two cartilage piercings on my right ear. The piercings were a 16th birthday gift from my dad.

My wrists were covered with string bracelets, leather bracelets, and just about any other material that can be made into a bracelet, but I did put on a few rings.

every step caused my muscles to scream in protest, and every quick movement sent a sharp pain through my forehead, but I kept a smile on my face as I pulled my backpack onto my back. 

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