Chapter 12: Packing

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Chapter 12

"Marley can you come join us at the table please?" Jane asked, sticking her head into my room.

I looked up from my homework with a sigh.

"Is it a mandatory family dinner?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, yes it is." Jane nodded. "Come on, it's some big news, you'll like it."

I sighed, pushing my notebook away from me.

I hated teachers who piled all of the tests on at the end of the week. Tomorrow was Friday and I had tests in three of my classes. It was insane.

I joined everyone at the table, keeping my head down.

By everyone, it was Henry and the girls, Jane, Mark, and Wesley.

I hadn't really talked to either of them much recently. It had been two weeks since my disastrous birthday weekend.

I didn't talk to anyone really.

I avoided my brothers because they were always with Logan or Grace or Nicole, and I couldn't stand cute relationships right now.

Because here I was, stupidly thinking that Logan and I actually had a chance, and he was hooking up with that Hannah girl.

No not the blonde Hannah from the beach that Mark was with.

This Hannah was genuinely nice and pretty and smart and probably wasn't a bitch. And she didn't have all this baggage with Logan following her around.

Of course he'd want to hook up with her and not me... I was the loser who didn't love him back.

And she was the nice girl with no history.

"Right, so I guess I'll just cut right to the chase." Jane smiled as I put some lasagna on my plate. "Tomorrow after school, the three of you are going to New York."

I froze, looking up at her in shock.

"We figured you guys deserved a weekend away. So you're flying there after school tomorrow, Alex will pick you up, and you're coming home Sunday afternoon. It's a short weekend, yes, but it's still a vacation." Jane said happily.

"Wait like we're leaving tomorrow after school?" I asked quickly, taking a bite of my food.

"Yes, your flight is at three." Jane nodded.

I gasped, taking an even bigger bite of my food.

"I have to pack!" I exclaimed, shoving more food into my mouth.

I hadn't even swallowed my last bite as I pushed my empty plate away after dinner and sprinted upstairs to my room.

Even though it was just for a weekend, I still had to bring options.

What if the weather changed? What if something got dirty? What if I changed my mind about an outfit?

I had to have options.

I pulled down my suitcase from the top shelf in my closet, shaking some excess sand out of it from this summer.

"Marley can we talk?" Mark asked, walking into the closet.

"Absolutely." I nodded, opening up my sock drawer.

"Right well you're going to talk. What's going on with Logan?" Mark asked with a sigh.

"He hooked with someone else apparently." I sighed. "We went out on a date, and things were actually looking good, and then he hooks up with someone else I don't get it." I shook my head.

"What? Who did he hook up with?" Mark frowned, sitting down on the ground against the wall.

"Hannah." I sighed, grabbing some socks.

"Wait my Hannah?!" Mark asked in shock.

I glared at him. "She is not your Hannah and no it's a different Hannah." I rolled my eyes. "But don't call the summer Hannah 'your' Hannah because Nicole is the only girl you should be calling yours."

"Wait hang on this is the Hannah that's friends with that Margaret girl or whatever?" Mark asked nervously.

"Yes why?" I asked.

"Because I may or may not have hooked up with Margaret a few weeks ago." Mark winced.

My eyes widened. "Mark!" I exclaimed. "You have a girlfriend!"

"Well it was before I was back with Nicole!" Mark protested. "Okay not my fault that she's hot and we were at the same party and I dunno!"

"Oh my gosh this family is a mess." I sighed, shaking my head. "I'm not even going to ask about the other girls that you hooked up with..."

"Just Margaret." Mark reassured me. "But anyways, finish explaining about you and Logan."

"That's it really. I mean I thought we were cool but then I find out that he hooked up with someone else and I dunno." I sighed, reaching for a pair of leggings. "I guess it's just officially over you know? Like I just have to accept that we're done."

"I mean Logan didn't tell me about any other girl so are you sure you got your facts right?" Mark frowned.

"Yea I'm sure that's what the girl said. It's fine, I don't care." I lied. "But you should go pack."

Mark just laughed as he stood up. "Yea no. I'll pack tomorrow. Nicole is coming over now."
I rolled my eyes as he left the room.

"Marley?" Wesley was the next person to walk into my closet.

"Go away." I said instantly, folding a shirt. "Oh wait, I'm sorry, was that too bitchy for you?" I said sarcastically, glaring at him.

"Okay come on please just let me talk... I feel really bad about what I said and it's not that big of a deal." Wesley sighed, leaning against the door.

"Yea well you still said it." I shrugged. "Look it's fine I get you think I'm a bitch. Good for you you've only got another year of living in the same house as me and you'll be gone."

"Why are you making such a big deal of this? You and Mark fight all the time and then you'll be totally cool a minute later." Wesley frowned.

I turned to face him. "Because Mark may get on my nerves constantly but he doesn't call me a bitch and tell me that I'm an awful person. He's actually there for me when I need him and he talks to me about stuff rather than blaming me for being an awful person!"

"Marley what are you talking about! The two of you say shit to each other all the time!" Wesley exclaimed, holding up his hands in protest. "I don't know what I'm supposed to say!"

"How about 'sorry' for starters! And don't compare yourself to Mark!" I exclaimed. "Now please get out of my room I have to pack and I have studying to do."

"This weekend is going to be awful, thanks to you." Wesley rolled his eyes, walking out of my closet.

I let out a huff, turning back to my shirts.

Why was he being so awful lately? What had I done to deserve it?

For the first time ever, the only person who seemed to be on my side was Mark...

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