Chapter 11: Public Humiliation

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Chapter 11

"Are you going to the weight room after school?" Nicole asked, walking up to my table in AP Chem.

"Am I a bitch?" I frowned, looking up at her.

Ryan laughed from next to me. "What kind of question is that?" He laughed.

"Am I?" I asked Nicole, my heart sinking with every moment of delay she took.

"Well I mean not to me." Nicole shrugged. "You can sometimes be a bit... I dunno the word but like, I dunno Marley why?"

"Because Wesley was just saying some stuff and-"

"Hold on, Wesley?" Nicole raised her eyebrows. "Not my lovely boyfriend who you always fight with?"

"Yea Wesley." I sighed. "And I didn't even say anything rude!"

"Damn girl is he on his man period or something?" Nicole laughed, glancing across the room at Mark and Wesley who were talking quietly to each other.

"I don't even know... But then he started going off about how I used to be mean to Grace or whatever and-"

"Wait you don't remember?" Nicole raised her eyebrows.

I just looked at her, slowly shaking my head.

"Grace and I thought you were just too embarrassed to say anything. Marley even I remember how awful you were to her in freshman year when her locker was next to yours." Nicole laughed, giving me a weird look. "That's why it was so weird when she started hanging out with us."

I felt a chill run through my body.

"Nicole what other instances have I been a bitch without realizing it?" I whispered, pushing my hair back from my face.

"Well I mean there's every single time your dad tries to tell you to do something but you probably know that. Uh there's like every single teacher ever who calls you out for talking. The cheer team kind of hates you. You get all pissy during soccer practice when people don't try hard enough but I mean obviously you intend to do that so uh... I dunno you're just kind of always a bit rude." Nicole shrugged. "I mean it's no big deal."

"Th-thanks." I muttered as she turned to sit down.

Was this actually a thing that I was a mean person?


"Where are you going?" Mark frowned as I stood up from the lunch table.

"I'll be right back." I mumbled, pushing my hair back as I walked in the direction of the cheer table.

"What the hell is she doing?" Logan asked behind me.

I took a deep breath, walking up to the table.

They all grew quiet as I walked up.

"So uh, well uh, someone brought it to my attention that apparently I've been mean to you guys or something and uh I just want to apologize." I said, feeling my pride completely disappear. "I didn't intend to be mean, and I'm sorry that I said cheerleading isn't a sport. Because we all know I couldn't do what you guys do even if I tried."

"Well rumor has it you're not too hesitant to spread your legs." Jenny smirked, receiving giggles from the other girls.

"We're not your stupid pity party. You're a bitch and everyone knows it and a lame ass apology isn't going to work. So take your slutty ass away from our table and let us eat in peace. We don't need boyfriend stealers around here." Another one of the cheerleaders rolled their eyes.

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