Chapter 7: Birthday Pancakes

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Chapter 7

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and a surprisingly pleasant stream of sunlight coming from the balcony doors.

A smile crossed my face as I sat up, pushing my messy hair back from my face.

It was my birthday.

"What time is it?" Logan mumbled from next to me, sitting up to his elbows.

I gasped, looking down at him.

"Sorry." He laughed, rubbing his eyes as he stood up from the bed.

We were both wearing the same clothes from last night. I could only imagine how bad my makeup looked.

"Happy birthday." Logan said softly as he stood up from the bed.

"Thanks." I mumbled, watching as he walked towards the door.

"I'll see you later." He added without looking at me, shutting the door behind him as he left.

A frown crossed my face.

That certainly wasn't the reaction I was expecting...

I didn't think that it was my imagination that we literally cuddled all night...

I sighed, getting up from the bed.

I wouldn't let Logan's weird behavior cause any sadness on my birthday. Of all days, today was going to be a Logan free day.

As I changed out of my clothes from last night and put on sweatpants and a loose fitting t-shirt, the smell of chocolate chip pancakes hit my nose again.

I gasped, standing up straight.

Dad was here.

Without attempting to brush down my messy, curly hair, I ran downstairs as fast as I could.

Sure enough, dad was standing at the stove, putting a pile of chocolate chip pancakes on a plate.

"Dad!" I said excitedly, rushing up to give him a hug.

"Happy birthday honey!" Dad laughed, kissing the top of my head.

I hadn't seen him since Mark and I came home for that extremely short visit over the summer.

Wow, that seemed like ages ago, when it was only like a month ago...

"What are you doing here?" I asked happily, reaching for a plate of pancakes.

"Well I couldn't miss my daughter's birthday now could I?" My dad laughed, handing a plate to Wesley as he walked in.

"Ooh sweet free pancakes." Wesley laughed, joining me at the kitchen table.

"Besides, Heather and I felt like getting away for a weekend." My dad shrugged, giving Mark a plate as well.

"Heather?" Mark frowned, sitting down next to Wesley.

"Who's Heather?" I questioned, my mouth filled with pancakes.

"Oh Heather's awesome." Wesley grinned.

Mark and I just looked at our brother.

"Heather is my fiancé." My dad said, nervously anticipating our reactions.

My jaw dropped, looking at my dad in shock.

"Ah no way you proposed? Sweet!" Wesley laughed, taking a bite of his pancakes.

"You- You've met her?" Mark asked, giving our brother a weird look.

"Well yea of course she was around all the time over the summer. Dude she's awesome and she's got two sons that are like Alex's age but they rock." Wesley nodded with a laugh.

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