The End

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Are you guys crying? Yea me too.

Three books, 70 chapters, and 133,645 words.

I just want to thank everyone who read this because without any readers I wouldn't have written past the first book, and we wouldn't have had the long journey of Marley and Logan's dysfunctional relationship.

And of course Marg and Shiner, your never ending pressure to update more chapters during school and lunch made me write faster than I thought possible. You guys rock.

But now for some actual business!

I am considering writing a spin off of one or more of the characters from these three books, but I need your help to vote. Here are the options:

1. Alex Ryder and his girlfriend Carson in New York

2. Nicole in college with the ocassional visit from her best friend Marley and ex boyfriend Mark (drama)

3. Grace and Wesley Ryder as new parents, 10 years after this story takes place

4. Marisol in high school (she's Jane's three year old daughter)

5. Chris and the twins in New York for college

6. Michael and Annie in college (remember, Annie is his girlfriend that nobody really knows)

And if you have another idea, please let me know! But I'd really appreciate it if you guys voted! :) Comment below which one you want.

Lots of love to everyone <3

So far nobody has commented about ideas for the spin off! Please comment because without anybody's input, I won't have anything to write

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