Chapter 25: Life Is Good

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Chapter 25

“Marley! Grace! Let’s go!” Mark yelled impatiently. “You’re taking forever!” 

“Shut up you’re not even going!” I yelled back through my door as I double checked my appearance in the mirror. 

“Your hair looks great. Let’s go.” Grace smiled, grabbing her little bag from my bed. 

“Does the shoe go?” I asked doubtfully, looking at the small black flat on my left foot. 

“Yes black flats go with everything.” Grace laughed. “Come on, picture time.” 

I sighed, following her out into the room. 

My hair was curled, reaching just below my shoulders. My makeup looked professional, it was amazing. Grace could definitely be a makeup artist when she grew up if she wanted to be. 

And of course, the grey dress was absolutely gorgeous. I’d never felt more confident in a dress before. 

Grace was wearing a white dress that almost looked like a sundress but wasn’t. She had tall, dark blue pumps on her feet and a matching necklace that brought out the subtle color. She looked amazing. 

“Are you going to fall down the stairs?” Grace asked nervously, a few steps ahead of me. 

“I’m fine.” I laughed, holding both of the crutches in one hand. I hopped down the stairs, holding tightly to the bannister. 

“Please don’t get hurt again.” Jane laughed as I made it to the bottom. 

“Safe and sound.” I smiled, my heart fluttering as Logan wrapped his arm around my waist. 

“Alright so we’re going to do picture out back, Marley are you good?” Jane asked. 

“I’m fine.” I reassured her, following Wesley and Grace towards the back. 

Mark looked extremely out of place in his sweatpants and flannel, but nobody questioned the fact that he wasn’t going. 

I didn’t even know if Nicole was going either. She completely iced Grace and I out once we hung out with my brothers. 

Logan and I recreated some of our pictures from last year. I did the pictures without my crutches, not wanting the ugly things to be in the pictures. Logan was great and supported my weight as my left leg grew tired. 

For one of the pictures, he swept me up in his arms bridal style. It was so damn cute. 

We had reservations at a fancy restaurant, it was so exciting. We only ate here on special family occasions, so it was fun to do it as a double date sort of thing. 

“Yea hi uh, we have a reservation for Ryder for 6:30?” Wesley said to the hostess with a smile. 

The woman scanned down her list, a passive expression on her face. 

“We don’t have a reservation under that name.” The woman shook her head. 

“Are you sure? Jane Ryder possibly? Maybe Hamilton?” Wesley frowned, glancing at Logan. 

The woman subtly rolled her eyes before scanning the list again. 

“No Ryder or Hamilton.” She shook her head. “Sir if you’ll please step aside we have customers to attend to.” 

Wesley looked extremely offended as he walked away from the desk. 

“Yea so they don’t have our reservations.” Wesley frowned, scratching the back of his neck. 

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