Chapter 3: Flirting?

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Chapter 3

“Okay.” I whispered, breathing heavily as I stood against the wall on the inside of the living room. I held the water gun close against my chest, my heart pounding. 

“When they come through those doors, we attack like hell.” Nicole nodded, an evil grin on her face. 

“No rules, just get those suckers.” Grace laughed from the other side of the couch. 

“This is the last time they sabotage our Sundays.” I agreed, adjusting my grip on the water gun as I heard their voices get closer. 

The girls and I had been calmly laying out by the pool, enjoying the last few weeks of summer weather, when my idiot brothers and Logan decided to initiate an attack of water balloons from the balcony. 

Of course, we now meant war. 

“I’m telling you, she’s hotter in person.” Mark groaned, sliding open the glass doors. 

“ATTACK!” Grace yelled, getting a running start. She bounced off of the couch, landing right on Wesley. The force of her jump was enough to send both of them crashing to the wood floor and the water gun to lay forgotten on the ground as she pinned him down. 

Nicole grabbed the fallen water gun, using both of them to soak Mark with the cold water. 

Logan gasped as I hit his back with a stream of water. 

“Oh no you didn’t.” He laughed, turning around to face me. 

My stomach flipped at the playful look in his eyes. 

It had been way too long since I was on the receiving end of that…

I kept on shooting him with water as he calmly walked towards me. 

“Not a good idea.” Logan said softly. With a wild laugh, he pushed the water gun aside and pulled me over his shoulder. 

“No put me down!” I screamed, kicking my legs as he carried me outside. “Nicole! Grace! Help!” I screamed, trying to get out of Logan’s grasp. 

“Mark put me down!” Nicole shrieked. 

But the next thing I knew, I was plunging into the deep end of the pool, wearing all of my clothes. 

Sure it was only jeans and a black tank top, but it was also my new push up bra that I really really liked, and now it was getting soaked with chlorine. 

I resurfaced just in time to see Grace fly into the pool from Wesley, and the guys disappear into the house. 

“Those ass holes!” Nicole spluttered, pushing her hair out of her face as she spit out water. “Oh we are so getting them back.” 

“We have to leave in like 15 minutes.” Grace laughed, giving Nicole a weird look. 

“Oh this war isn’t over after today, trust me.” Nicole said, beginning to swim towards the ladder. 

“I need to dry off.” I whined, getting out of the pool after her. 

“Oh no weren’t you wearing your new bra!” Nicole gasped as I followed her into the house. 

“Not like I have anyone to impress anyways.” I shrugged, pulling off my water logged tank top as I jogged up the stairs. 

“Wait for me!” Grace whined behind us. 

“Oh and get me a Powerade too!” I heard Mark call as someone walked out of his room. 

I gasped, stopping dead as Logan appeared around the corner. 

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