Chapter 17: Tell Me The Truth

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Chapter 17

"Good morning." Ryan smiled as I sat down in my seat in first hour.

"Morning." I said happily.

"How was your weekend?" Ryan asked, turning to look at me.

I just laughed, thinking about the adventurous weekend in New York.

"It was pretty good actually. How about yours?" I asked with a smile.

"Pretty boring." Ryan shrugged. "Did a lot of cleaning around the house."

"Oh that sucks. We've had weekends like that at our house. When all of my brothers used to live at home and we lived with my dad, he'd ground us all the time and we'd have to spend the weekend cleaning." I laughed, shaking my head. "Not too fun."

"Well hey so you know how we've got the Chemistry test tomorrow?" Ryan asked.

"Yea I haven't really studied yet." I laughed, s having my head.

"Do you want to come over after school and we can study?" Ryan suggested, a hopeful look on his face.

I thought for a minute, trying to decide if this was a good idea or not.

"Marley holy shit you need to give me details of this weekend." Nicole said urgently, rushing up to the table. "Mark sort of filled me in but holy shit."

"Yes you need to explain." Grace laughed. "All that I got was that you came home wearing Chris's shirt, slept in a college senior's room, and supposedly you're talking to Logan again?"

I laughed, shaking my head at my friends.

"Chris saved me after I puked all over myself, the college senior was Alex's best friend who rescued me from passing out in a hallway, and I don't even know where to start with Logan." I laughed.

"Wait wait Chris as in the guy you were with all summer?" Nicole's eyes widened.

"Yes he's so hot. I met him when Wes and I went down to North Carolina." Grace giggled.

"Yea but nothing happened." I rolled my eyes.

"Alright everybody get your reviews out on your desks, we've got a lot to do today." Mrs. Greyson announced.

Ryan's question about hanging out was forgotten, and I didn't make any effort to bring it up again.


"I'm going to get food do you want any?" I asked, walking into Mark's room.

"Food from where?" Wesley asked, not looking up from their game of chess.

"You're playing chess?! What the hell." I laughed, giving them a weird look.

"No judging. Food from where?" Mark asked, flipping me off.

"I was planning on going to get a milkshake from Coney Island, so if you want anything then let me know." I said, leaning against the door.

"The nerds just ate two whole pizzas." Logan informed me, looking up from his phone. "So we're good thanks."

"Suit yourself." I laughed, turning to walk out of the room. "Call me if you need anything."

"Phone's dead." Mark replied.

"Mine too."

I rolled my eyes as I headed down the hall towards the stairs.

I'd been desperately wanting a chocolate milkshake all day, but I told myself that I wouldn't get one until all of my homework and studying was done.

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