Chapter 16: Aftermath

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Chapter 16

A splitting headache was making its way through my head as I started to wake up.

I groaned, rolling over in the unfamiliar bed. I pulled a pillow over my face.

I definitely wasn't in my own bed, that's for sure, and I wasn't sure if I recognized the smell.

I tried to remember what happened last night... I was really really drunk, that I know for sure.

I remembered hooking up with someone, and they said that my brother couldn't know about it...

But that didn't necessarily narrow it down...
It could've been Logan, and he didn't want Mark to know.

It could've been Chris, and he didn't want Mark to know.

It could've been that Keaton guy, and he didn't want Alex to know...

But then I remembered that it was Sunday, I was supposed to be going home today, and I had no idea where my brothers were.

I slowly sat up in the bed, pushing my messy hair back from my face.

A gasp escaped my lips as I looked down at the t-shirt that I was wearing.

This wasn't mine.

I pulled the fabric into my hands, instantly recognizing the print on the front of it.

Chris was wearing this shirt the first day of summer...

Holy shit.

Did I sleep with Chris?

If I did, then there was absolutely no chance of ever getting back with Logan. He'd never forgive me for this...

"Morning, sleepy head." Someone laughed, walking into the room.

I gasped, looking up in shock.

It was Keaton. The guy from beer pong.

"Holy shit." Was all I could say, looking down at the shirt.

Was it Keaton that I hooked up with?

"Oh no don't worry you were wearing that when I found you at like three in the morning asleep in the hall." Keaton laughed, handing me a bottle of water and some Advil.

"Thanks." I muttered, putting two pills into my mouth.

"I have no idea where your clothes are." Keaton added. "But Alex isn't answering his phone so I should probably get you home."

I nodded, slowly standing up from the bed.

"Here." Keaton said, handing me a pair of sweatpants.

"Thanks." I said softly, pulling them up my legs.

I was dizzy as hell, but surprisingly didn't feel like I was about to throw up.

I followed Keaton out into the hall, trying to smooth down my messy hair.

"Marley!" Someone called from behind me.

I slowly turned around, still not fully awake.

"Here's your stuff. I was just gonna bring it to Alex's apartment." Chris said behind me, handing me a wad of my clothes with my phone sitting on top. "You should call Alex, he's freaking out. He has no clue where any of you are.'

"What?" I frowned, taking my things from him.

"Yea nobody came home last night." Chris shook his head. "But I gotta go it was great seeing you. Next time though, try not puking all over me." Chris laughed, giving me a wink before turning around.

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