Chapter 24: Dress Shopping

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Chapter 24

“Are you working out in the weight room today?” Logan asked as he got into he car.

“No, no I’m not.” I shook my head, raising my eyebrows at him. “Have you talked to your dad yet?” 

“No was on call last night and apparently he was in a surgery this morning.” Logan shook his head, scooting next to me. “Why?” 

“Oh just wondering.” I shrugged, still looking at my boyfriend. 

Logan narrowed his eyes at me, slightly tilting his head. 

“Am I missing something?” Logan asked. “Are you wearing something special?” He laughed, looking down at my shirt. 

“Hey that’s my football sweatshirt! I lost that this summer!” Logan laughed, a grin spreading on his face. “Aw babe I love it when you wear my clothes.” 

“Don’t be weird.” Mark said from the driver seat, glancing back at us. 

“Eyes on the road. We don’t need more injuries in this family.” Wesley said, giving his brother a look. 

“Injuries? What happened?” Logan frowned, meeting my eyes again. 

“Look down.” I laughed, rolling my eyes at him. 

Logan gave me a weird look before leaning forwards and looking to the floor of the car. 

He gasped, looking up at me in shock. 

“That’s a cast!” Logan exclaimed. “Marley what the hell!” 

“We saw your dad at the hospital.” I replied with a smile. 

“Yea that doesn’t matter what the hell happened to your foot?” Logan frowned. 

“Jumped off of the back of a couch, landed funky, no big deal.” I shrugged. “But no I’m not working out because I’m on crutches.” 

“Do you need any help? Can I do anything?” Logan asked quickly, looking at me with concern. “Wait but homecoming.” 

I raised my eyebrows. 

“But I don’t have a date.” I replied, giving him a look. 

Logan just looked at me. 

“Holy shit I didn’t ask you.” Logan whispered, his eyes wide. “Homecoming is in four days and I didn’t ask you…” 

A soft smile spread on my face. 

“No, you have not asked me yet.” I said quietly, looking down at my hands. 

Logan grew silent, looking at me as if I had two heads. 

And he kept on staring at me until we got to school. 

For the walk inside from the car, Logan Hamilton became more of a gentleman than I’d ever seen him. He offered to help me with every little possible thing, from carrying my books to carrying my bag to literally carrying me. 

I thought it was funny considering that I honestly didn’t need any help. I wasn’t even upset that he didn’t ask me to homecoming, because honestly I wasn’t all that fussed about it anyways. We went last year, I was on crutches now, and it didn’t really seem appealing to me. But it was fun to see him freaking out. 

“I’ll help you to first hour I-”

“Okay, Logan.” I said, turning to face him. “I love you, you don’t have to ask me to homecoming, we can go if you want. But babe, you need to stop treating me like I’m five. I have a broken foot, I’m not dying.” 

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