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That night, Haewon was still beside her lifeless but breathing husband, she held his cold hand while the other brushed the strands of his black hair away from the bandage at his head. She personally treated his wounds and scars, some where done in hurry and stiches were done miserably. She didn't blame them, they were out of hand. So she asked Camilla to let her change those dressing, and she let her.

His body was cleaner than before, and his bare body was covered with a button up, letting all the buttons to opened and revealing his bandaged chest. He looks like he was sleeping, but Haewon knew he was barely alive. It was already dark, and the medical tent was calmer at night. She heard that some soldiers were send back to London, and a new replacement will come. Seokjin is still here, but Frank had went back to south border because of the higher ups order.

"You are still awake?"

She looked to her side, the general was holding mug of hot choco with a blanket. She nodded and took those, placing the mug at the table beside Jungkook bed. She covered her body with the blanket, even when the uniform she was given before was already thick to make her body warm. She was asked to wear it, and braid her hair to a bun for better movement , especially in crucial moment. If Jungkook was awake, he will be surprised to see his wife without her feminine clothes.

"You were there when the bombing happened. Can you tell me what exactly happen?"

He sighed before taking a seat beside her from one of the stool near the bed. It was too painful to remember, it was the first time he saw Jungkook cried over a dead soldier. A boy to be exact.

"I don't know what happened before but when I found him, he was kneeling down at a body, one of our man. He was shaking his body so hard, shouting something to the boy. Then I saw one of those Germans were preparing their grenade, so I have to pull him away from the boy. But Jungkook, he refused to move"

"Who is that boy actually?"

"His name was Vante. He was dead by the time we are collecting him. Jungkook was quite close to him. He always look after that young one. At the end, the grenade was thrown and Jungkook was severely injured. It was a miracle he was still alive, but now he looks more dead than alive"

Haewon looked away, the name did make her heart crashed and if Seokjin wasn't there, she will have cried. Vante mother was so sure her son will come home, but now all she get was a letter of his son death and the lifetime care from the church. Jungkook saw him dead in front of his eyes, and it will be understandable if he refused to leave Vante alone. Probably he doesn't want to wake up from this state, knowing that in reality he had to face the harsh truth of Vante not coming back.

"What makes you think he will wake up if I'm here, General Kim?"

"I don't know, but I know he will want someone to hug when he woke up later. Besides, you are a nurse so I thought you can help them here while taking care of him"

She nodded, eyes locked at Jungkook face. At least she had a valid reason to stay, but Jungkook wasn't the first person to greet her here. Even the sweet boy Vante wasn't here. She literally had nobody here, she was all by herself. At that moment, she missed Jaeun terribly, how she wanted to hug that child in her amrs, seeing the small life life smiling to her.

She will be here for god knows how long, and she felt terrible to leave her daughter at London. She knew she can decline Seokjin letter, but her guts were telling her that she needs to be here. And she was right. Her husband was not waking up, and she couldn't do anything.

"Do you, do you have a paper and a pen?"

Seokjin stood up to take a piece of paper and a pen at the table where the nurses placed the patients record. He then gave it to her, which Haewon caught the ring at his finger before she took it. He took a sit back beside her, realised Haewon was staring at him.

"You have a wife?"

"I should remove this ring from now on. You and Jungkook been asking the same thing"

She chuckle, though it sounds lifeless but at least she was still expressing herself. The last thing Seokjin want is her losing herself seeing Jungkook in this condition.

"She left me. Five years ago. I don't blame her, it was better to cut of the marriage then her cheating on me when I'm at the war"

"How did she do that?"

"Her last letter told me that she couldn't wait any longer, so she asked for divorce. I came back and she was no longer there"

"What about you? How did you felt?"

There was a silence in the air, but Haewon didn't mind. It was a distraction for her to be thinking about Jungkook state, and Seokjin was opened about it. His marital status was in the past, he really didn't care about it that much.

"I was young, probably as young as Jungkook. When the I read it, I was furious. It was like I became a different person. I was too mad, to the point the war was something I vent out my anger. It was as if, I wasn't the Seokjin everyone knew. I was brutal and harsh, no mercy. It happened for a long time, until I found myself back. Accepting that she wasn't here anymore"

"Do you think she is happy now?"

"Probably. She might settle of with some aristocrat or any men who can give her attention and time. Something that I couldn't do"

She stayed silent, because she knew the man was still hoping that his ex-wife might come back for him. The eyes that were still hoping, the ring on his finger and the way he smiled when he talked about her. It was the war that break them apart, and Seokjin couldn't do anything but to only fight.

"Tommorow, I'll bring you to Vante grave. That boy was Jungkook favourite"

She nodded before starting to write a letter on the paper, telling Miss Anna about Jungkook condition and hers. Seokjin looked at her side, and smiled.

You have to wake up, Jungkook.

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