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Haewon sighed once she tied her apron and walked to the counter. The bar was quiet, no customer and it has been like this for the past three days. The sudden attack seem to scared everyone, but shops and bars are still opened. This situation wasn't a new thing for them, it was just for them to take safety measurements after the attack. She looked around the bar, somehow her mind was back to what happened that day with the hot soldier.

After their steamy activities under the sheet, he had told her his rank in the army, how he works and others things about him. He was bought here his father, which died from cancer after two months living in London. He then lived in an orphanage and the only chance he have to survive in a foreign country is to enter the army. At the age of sixteen , he had learned how to shoot and self defense and by the time he was an legal adult, he was force to fight in a war. His life was only the war and his post, and he never had a lover.

Haewon still remembered how he played with her hair, saying it was beautiful and soft while nuzzling his nose at her neck. She lost count at how many times they had did it, but Jungkook never went rough on her. He took care of her and even helped her walked to the toilet to clean up herself because of the sore. She knew it was only a one night stand, but the way he wanted this to be a reason for him to stay alive is making her hopes high.

Just when she was about to clean the next glass, the door opened and the bell ring. Her eyes shot up to the newcomer and she stopped her actions. The man smiled and walked to her before taking a sear right in front of her. Haewon couldn't believe her eyes. The man who she make love with was in front her, looking gorgeous as ever. He put down his hat to the table and grinned at the shocked expression she had.

"Sir -"

"I told you to call me Jungkook. Don't tell me you have forgotten things we did before?"

Her cheeks went red and she let down the glass. He observed her and realized her appearance had changed a bit. She got a little bit thin and her hair was now shoulder length. He remembered her hair reached her chest, and he played with it while she was sleeping at his naked turso.

"Do you want to order anything?"

"Do you have plans tonight, Haewon?"

"I-I-," she stuttered while looking away. A part of her wanted to say no and walk away with him, but a part of her wanted to say yes and stay away from him. The man was stranger to her, even after the night they share together. She doesn't want to get swayed by her emotion if the man had no feelings towards her and it is the best to distanced herself from him.

"I want to tell you something, important."

She looked back at him and when he had stood up from the stool, she quickly went back to the kitchen and asked to leave early. The owner nodded as there are no customer to serve and she grabbed her coat and wore it. Once she step out from the bar by the back door, she was pulled into someone arms and lips crashed to hers. She instantly knew who and kissed him back while her hand travelled to his hair.

Jungkook had angled her head to deepened the kiss and get rid of any distance between their bodies. He had miss her terribly for the past few months, and when he saw her at the bar, the urge to kiss her was there. Now that he finally have her, there was now way Jungkook will let her go anymore. Her fingers curled his hair while the other slowly make way to his neck to support herself from melting in the kiss. Her mind warned to push him away, but her body was being traitorous. She find herself kissing back, hands in his hair and fingers slowly unbutton his collar.

He had trailed his kiss to her jawline, leaving trails there and slowly went to her neck. She closed her eyes and bit her lips, controlling herself from letting out a noise. Then, he went up to her ear and whispered, "Come home with me."

She didn't respond, her mind was blank after their passionate session and he slowly led her to his car parked right next to the back door of the bar. The man opened the door for her and pushed her slowly in it. She was still in daze and the moment she finally regain her sense, she realized they were getting closer to blocks of town house by her side. He didn't say a word during the car drive and went the car stopped, he took her hand in his and the woman looked to her side.

"Let's go"


"I will answer everything, once we get in," he said and that silenced her. There were many question she had been asking herself and all of it was about him. Where did he go, why he never visited her, what does he mean by the reason for her to stay alive? But one thing that bothered her was, did he miss her? Because she do.

They walked hand in hand to the door and somehow she could feel her heartbeat raced. If her uncle knew about this, she will sure be grounded and be forced to learn about diamond and other sparkling stone which she never give interest with it. Once they get in, they took the stairs till the highest level of the townhouse and he took out his key. She expected it to be messy , but when they get in it was nothing. Only a bed, a study table and a wardrobe. His military uniform and hat was neatly hanged at the wall and it looks like it hasn't received anyone for a few months.

Before she could asked about his house, a warm lips had crashed her and before she knew, she was already laying down the bed with him hovering her. Their lips never leave each other and again the memory of them in the motel came to her mind. They were some sweet words the man had whispered to her while undressing them both but there was one phrase that keep on playing in her mind even when she was in pain from him.

"I love you, Haewon"

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