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She knocked the door, and after several minutes, the door was opened revealing Miss Anna grinned widely but later frowned when her eyes lain on Haewon exposed neck. Haewon didn't realize the sudden change of expression as she was looking behind the woman, hoping to caught a glimpse of Jaeun anywhere.

"Bugs must have been disturbing your night, Mrs. Jeon?"


"Your neck, there are full of rashes. Red ans certain are blue. Must have been those nasty bugs"

With her words, her eyes widened and looked at the smiling Jungkook who had heard everything, which slowly turning to a mischievous grin. She quickly grab a scarf from her bag and covered her exposed neck, knowing for sure what kind of 'bug' that disturbed her peaceful night. A jealous bug. And one that she couldn't even get rid off.

"Wait, I'll go and take Jaeun. Why don't you both come in?"

"It's alright, we'll stay outside"

She smiled and went back in, leaving the husband and wife outside. Haewon took the chance to punch his shoulder which Jungkook laughed at how weak it was even when she looked like she had put enough strength at her fist. She was red, embarrassed at how Miss Anna saw the love marks he create on her pale skin, and somehow proud to be the one marking her.

"You should have tell me! "

"Dear, I wouldn't want you to cover it. Besides, It looks pretty"

"I'm the one looking like a mess, not you"

"A beautiful mess, that is you"

She rolled her eyes, knowing there was no use to fight him. She looked away, not even looking at Jungkook who was smiling ear to ear seeing her sulking. He slowy circled her waist with his arms and kissed her cheeks, but Haewon wasn't even bothered. She wasn't that mad, but she hated herself to be the one who step back from their argument. And Jungkook knew her too well to the point he know her soft spot for him.

"I would leave you for a couple of days, it would be bad if you send me with a mad face of yours"

"I once sent you away for month with me cursing the hell out of you because you forgot to buy me onions"

"You regretted it."


"I would have teased you for saying sorry everyday after I came back, but let's do that later"

She was about to snapped back when Miss Anna came back with their child. Jaeun look so happy seeing her parents that she giggled so loud and wiggled in her arms. Jungkook then take the bag from Miss Anna while Haewon snuggle Jaeun in her arms, she bopped her nose with hers. Jaeun giggles were making the other two feeling warm, and Miss Anna saw how soft Jungkook eyes watching his family. She tapped the soldier shoulder, earning attention from him.

"Jaeun is the sweetest child I ever met, and your wife is the strongest woman I ever witness. Take care of them, a man most valuable treasure is his family, especially the woman he loved"

He smiled and nodded before bidding farewell to her. Slowly they left her house,walking side to side with Haewon talking with the small life in her arm, though the only respond she got was some weird voice and giggles coming from her small lips. Jungkook was fascinated at both of them, how perfect his life was when he had them , hoping that he had a stable job so he can see this everyday and spend time more with them.

She had always been with Jaeun, never once leave her even when she was working. What will be the picture of his family, if he wasn't there? Can Haewon survive alone? He knew she claimed that she couldn't bear the sight of him dying in front of her, but she had always brace herself for any death announcement if he died during a mission. From her own words, Jungkook knew she was strong enough to survive with Jaeun without him, but he was the opposite.

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