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"Go home Jungkook, you can't even lift up a gun now"

"My injuries aren't that severe. And we are already notified about the peace agreement. All is left to watch the border for any rebellion. I can do that"

"That is why, I ask you to go home. We have less thing to do now. Even half of us has gone back home when you are unconscious. And you need rest. Don't you miss your family?"

"Haewon is here"

"She's here because she is needed to. You in the other hand had the option to go back home. Your daughter is in London"

He went to silent after the mentioned of her daughter, knowing that his heart had been missing the small life cradling in his arm. Even so, he had the urge to stay to fulfil his duty as a soldier. Haewon is here, he can possibly left his wife here at the warzone. It is too dangerous, and she might get killed.

"Why did you call her here on the first place? This place is dangerous. And she can't even protect herself!"

"You think so?"

"I've know her for so long to understand her, this place is not suitable for a woman like her"

Seokjin smirked at his remark, laughing internally at how Jungkook was adamant that his wife was really that fragile. If only he knew, how her wife survived a sudden ambush when he was still laying in the bed, he won't be saying this. If it's not for his wife, Jungkook and the rest of the unconscious soldier will be dead by now. But Seokjin know he doesn't need to say that, because the said woman was at the tent entrance, was about to kill his husband with her dead stare.

"A woman like me? Is that how lowly you see me as, Jeon Jungkook?"

He turned back to see the woman he married, eyes flaming in anger with tray of bandage and medicine for his injury. Jungkook is now resting back at his tent, and Haewon had been changing his dressing since then. Well, it was just two days since he woke up, he was still trying to adapt to his body and every thing that has changes since he was unconscious. Haewon didn't talk much and he doesn't have the time to see her because she always busy.

"I'm not saying you are weak. You know yourself that this might be suicide mission if you are here. "

"That doesn't mean I'm not suitable to be here. By the looks at it, I'm stronger than you are now, and my survive rate is higher than you. You are the one who is not suitable to stay here any longer, Sir Jeon"

Jungkook ears perked at the sudden formality, and he could sense himself getting mad at her remark. His strength and skills are his pride, for her to mock him because he was injured was something pathetic, the last thing he ever thought about her. Of course he is not stronger than before he had this serious injury, but he was confident that he still can stay to guard the border until the peace agreement was settled and the war is officially end.

"It will be better if you didn't use the excuse of me being physically and mentally injured to send me off, Miss Lee"

"That was the main reason why you needed to get back home, look after yourself and spend times with your family. It seems like you don't understand the main purpose your general ask you to go back home"

"Oh I understand very much, it just I believe I can still do my duty as a soldier and sending me off will be a fool decision."

Haewon gripped the tray, her glare was burning a hole in his head but Jungkook didn't care. At this time, he didn't care if he hurt her feelings for talking back because his ego was taking his body. Seokjin who realised the tension, quickly excused himself even though he was enjoying the show. The pair fight was funny for him , but he knew they need privacy to settle the argument by themselves. Once Seokjin was out of the frame, Haewon was already flipping in the inside.

"The decision isn't a fool one, you are the one acting like a fool to stay here, when the others were happy to go back home. Those man were a father, a husband, a lover and a son. They were living in fear not to be able get back home alive, but here you are being a moron to stay just because apparently, your duty as a soldier is thousand times important then your duty as someone husband and father"

Jungkook was still emotionless, but it did crack him a bit when her last word hit him in the face. He was never sure what option came first, his duty or his family. He thought that the options were depended on the situation. Like when her uncle was accused of treason, his family came first. When the Germans invaded their neighbourhood, his duty was his priority. It has always been that way. He never had his priority straight.

"A moron won't sacrifice his life in a war. Those man, even with the fear of dying, they still come here. Eventually, they are just the same as me. They have those option to withdraw from the army since the beginning with terms and condition, but they didn't. Same goes to Frank, he had the chance to stay, but he came here. At the end, every man is just the same. When you marry me, you should have known this"

"So why did you cry when you knew you need to be in the war? For what was the tears for? If you were this heartless, you won't even care. "

"Because that time, I was afraid of leaving you alone with Jaeun. Now, things changed and I'm still here, alive. Guarding the borderline-"

"You know what Jungkook? I should have know by now that every thing I said won't change your mind. I should have realise that marrying a soldier didn't just cost me my future, it also cost me sanity to stay with you forever. Maybe they were right, maybe my uncle was right and maybe, even Peter was right. Marrying you, is a mistake and regretting it is too late now"

Jungkook ego was crashed, the stoic face had before turned to shocked, his mouth gaped and his mind was busy interpreting every thing she just said. Their marriage was about to turn two years by now, and this was the first time he ever heard that Haewon regretted marrying him now. What afraid him the most is, she wasn't crying.

The Haewon he knew, will have cried by now when she said those words because she hated herself for saying it. Now, it was as if she hated him for real, and she mean it. She was genuinely mad and irritated. A side Jungkook never saw from the woman.

"Change you dressing alone, since you are still alive and can do anything by yourself"

She put down the tray and walked out, not even glancing back at the hurt Jungkook. He deserve it though, with his stubbornness, Haewon just had enough. This time, she might consider about asking for a divorce or run away from him. And he don't want that. Not when he is still breathing.


He ran out from his tent, frantically searching for his wife and didn't care about the pain of his injury increased due to the sudden movement. Some soldiers were looking at him, weird at why their lieutenant was in distress. Haewon noticed how silence it got but she didn't look back. Instead, she fastened her pace to the medical tent, knowing that Jungkook won't catch up to her because of his body state.

"Jeon Hae-"

"And it's Lee Haewon for you, sir"

She snapped back, loud and clear making everyone adverted their gaze from Jungkook to her. It was a rare sight to see a woman snap back at man this time, especially a man who hold such high position in the military. Seokjin who had been witnessing everything let out a small chuckle before walking to the younger. Jungkook was glued to his spot, he never knew his wife could talk back that way to him. Maybe Haewon really had enough of him.

"You fuck up big time, young man"

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