42. (Final)

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"I'm still wondering when are you going to quit working at the hospital? The war is over now. A lot of us had quit it even before the agreement."

"I'll have to think about it more, Rosé. Quitting a job you have done for so long is hard"

She nodded before sipping her wine, eyes looking at the countless people talking at each other. Face full of happiness, genuine laughter could be heard everywhere and tears of joy comes with it. They were finally free from the war, celebrating their independence with no worries. Lovers were married, families were reunited and hopes were blooming. It was a new life for them, for Rosé and for her. Women and men that night share the same happiness, and Haewon could see how happy are they.

Even so, almost half of them were mourning too. The ones who never get to come home alive, soldiers who was missing in action during the war and bodies that were buried far from their family was the proof of how it leaves a scar in their heart. There was nothing they could do, but to only hope they are in a better place. Rosé had lost her brother from the war, and all she was left was her mother. It will be hard for her to stop her job without no one taking care of their expenses.

"I was wondering where are the men who have fought bravely in the war? I heard most of them were single"

"You are never interested in men. Why are you suddenly asking for one?"

"I inspire to have a one night stand that end up making me find a husband myself, like someone I know"

"Says someone who almost yelled at me for marrying him. I assume you don't think Jungkook as a bad person anymore?"

She laughed before nudging her elbow to her, making Haewon raised her eyebrows. Rosé signaled someone was behind her so she turn, only to see her man in his blue dark uniform smiling at he. The woman laughed before walking away from the pair and went to talk with some gossipers at the side of the hall. Teas and coffees are spilling tonight, she don't want to miss it.

"Do you wait for too long?," he said before pulling her petite body closer to him, the smell of lavender entered his nostril. The woman shook before putting aside her wine at the table beside them before adjusting his tie which is a little bit loose. The close proximity between them ignite a spark in his body but Jungkook knew the woman would like to stay longer in the hall. It's a joyous celebration after all, Haewon will love to stay and talk with everyone. "It's a pity miss Anna choose to be with Jaeun tonight. She would love to see this"

"Your daughter is a fast sleeper, and Miss Anna is too old for dances and light. She claimed it by herself"

"Aren't we too old for this too?,"he said before slowly leaning in to kiss her but she stopped him by placing a finger at his lips. "Not here, sir. I don't wish to be famous because of a picture a soldier with his wife kissing after knowing the war has ended"

"Even a peck?"

"You've gotten a lot of that since we came back. You should have been bored to see my face now"

He chuckled before distancing themselves but instead of letting go, he took her hand in his and kissed the back of her hand. Haewon was a little bit bewildered by his sudden action and realize some women were looking at them with a giggle emitted from their red lips. She wasn't sure whether they found it romantic or Jungkook was indeed stunning that night, even young girls turned twice to see him. He's a looker, and now everyone in London might even try to throw their body at him if he wasn't married to a boring woman like her.

A boring woman that fit the royalty, Rosé claimed.

"I won't get bored at something I've tried so hard to make it mine. And kisses have a lot of version, whether a child play or an intense love. Which one do you prefer?"

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