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The ride to the chapel was quiet, only the sound of Jaeun talking in her own language. She was nestled in Haewon arms tightly while the mother eyes were thrown to the scenery outside. She had packed her clothes with Jaeun while Jungkook explained everything. It will be a lie if she wasn't dread at the fact about her uncle death sentence, but she can't ask Jungkook to stop it. He was now back to guars his post for the ambush, and Haewon knew it will be more terrifying than any operation he had.

"For how long are you going to guard the post?"

Her voice startled him and he glanced sideways to her before focusing back to the road. They are getting closer to the chapel which means he will have to leave Haewon there until G6 stopped the blue dye on her.

"Until the next ambush, or a war. I don't know. Frank is trying to shorten my time out here, but for the meantime, I will be there"

"After that, are you going to be on a mission again?"


Her eyes widen in surprise. She thought he will say yes, or probably think first about his decision but now the answer is a big fat no. Jungkook loved the work he had, though it was dangerous but he lived half of his life in it. Why would he suddenly say no? Was he planning something?


"Here we are. Come on, I need to make sure there is a place for you"

He walked out from the car and she followed suit. Jungkook went to the back to take her small suitcase and catch up with them. He pulled her closer to him before stepping the stair to the door of the chapel. It was always quiet, but he knew inside there were plenty of people who lives damaged by the war, or person confessing their sin and begging for forgiveness. No wonder G6 will never touch this place, those people inside never spend their time out that much.

He pushed the door, and he was right. Some are having a heart to heart talk with nun and priest, nurse walk around holding a tray of medicine and her figure disappeared behind a door far left at the chapel. Nurses here less pressured than the one in the hospital, since their work only cares for the handicapped or the 'useless' soldier that was thrown away because of their permanent injury. The military was nice enough to let them stay here till they die. It was the least they can do.

"What's bring you here, Sir Jeon? Is this your wife?"

A voice makes them glanced to the source and a warm smile greet them. The pastor eyes settle down to the small child in her arms and his smile got bigger. Haewon realised it and she nodded politely at the pastor. Jungkook eyes remained cold, but it wasn't that intimidating. It was just his typical stare to anyone.

"G6. Frank once came here because of them. And I'm here for the same reason"

The pastor remained smiling, but his eyes shake at the mention of G6. He knew those organization well, but he doesn't like the way they treat the innocent life.

"I hope you are really here for a good reason, Sir Jeon. Don't make things hard for us and G6. If you mind, I will have to ask some questions to your wife. The same questions the officer will ask your wife if she was detained by them. Then I can let her stay."

He nodded and the pastor led them to his office. Jungkook was asked to stay back with Jaeun who was passed to his arms. He thought Haewon will be nervous, but she looked calm. As if she knew what questions will be asked by the pastor. The small life tugged at the batches at his uniform, and he smiled at her. He doesn't have a lot of time to spend with Jaeun, but after everything is back to normal, he will make sure to have plenty of times with his family.

Haewon interrogation was short and after half an hour, the pastor and she left the room. The old man looked pleasant as always and after having a small talk with Haewon, he gave her the key and walk away to run some chapel errands. Jungkook walks to her, anxious at what had happened in there.

"I'm free, Jungkook. You don't have to worry about me being part of the treason"

Though those words hurt her because it was her uncle, she managed to shrug it off and let out a smile before taking back Jaeun in her arms. The man let out a sigh in relief before they walk to a room the pastor had told her beforehand. Once they entered the small room, she put down Jaeun to the bed and took the two pillow, placed it side to side to prevent Jaeun from rolling much.

The room was small, a wardrobe, a study and a window facing the garden. There was nothing much in the room, but it is enough for Haewon to stay here for a short time. Jungkook placed down her suitcase to the floor and walked to her who just stood up after making sure Jaeun is comfortable. Swiftly, he pulled her to his embrace and hug her tightly, inhaling her scent which he will miss dearly.

"I'm sorry, Haewon. I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault, Jungkook. Things just happen this way. But can you at least let me meet him before the death sentence?"

She looked up to him, eyes glistening in hope and he nodded. He refuses to let her meet her uncle today as things will be uglier if they caught her with her uncle. It's best to stay her away from her uncle in the meantime. His big palm cupped her face and slowly leaned in to kiss, nibbling her lower lips and angled her head for more access.

A soft hum left his lips and he passionately devoured her lips which Haewon have to stop him from losing control. She pushed him slowly and the man grunted at the loss. She chuckled before brushing away the strands of his hair.

"You can't do anything wicked in a chapel, Sir Jeon"

"Wait till I get you out of here, I'll be making you forget your name for the whole night"


He laughed, a sincere one since the tension he was going through from last night event. He kissed her forehead and her cheeks before the lips for the last time and let out a whisper.

"After everything end, you and I will leave this place. Far from the war and you don't have to worry of me dying in front of you. And that time, I will stay with you and Jaeun for good, till we grow old and grey together. I promise, Haewon"

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