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He couldn't sleep. His eyes was wide open, fingers brushed the long black hair of his wife while the other free hand was hugging his waist. She had fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, and Jungkook knew she was a fast sleeper. Her soft snores could be heard and he find it funny whenever she wake up herself from her snores. She did move a bit, but later snuggle closer to him.

"You're not sleepy?"

Her voice was heard, and he smiled before he nodded at her. The woman slowly opened her sleepy eyes and she grinned. "Why? Is something bothering you?"

"No. There's nothing"

"Then why are you still awake?"

"I just can't sleep"

She sighed at his answer, knowing how secretive he is right now. Jungkook never likes to share his problem, but her intention was only to lesson his burden. Something was clearly bothering him, and the way he got mad when she was about to inform her uncle about her decision was making him suspicious. She doesn't want to ask why, as she knew how bad her uncle detest Jungkook, and they almost couldn't get married. She stood up and rested her back at the headstand, and he did the same.

"I know you don't want to tell me anything, but you know I'm always here to listen"

You wouldn't like to hear the truth, Haewon.

"Don't be so melancholic. I'm not dying, dear"

"Look at the mouth of yours. Do you want to die that fast? Let me just kill you"

She quickly went to tickle his body, earning a heartily laugh from the man while his hand slowly held her waist. Their giggles could be heard , and his pleads for her to stop was ignored by her. At the end, he grabbed her hand and pinned her down to the bed, breath ragged from the ticklish sensation he had before. She smiled at him softly, eyes looking at his dark orbs when he softly lean in, closing the gap between their body.

Before their lips could touch each other, the doorbell rang and the both of them freeze. He slowly let her go, eyes turned dark as he stood up from the bed and walked to the wardrobe. He bent down to the lower compartment and pull it out, revealing a gun and he took it out. He tucked it in his pocket and was ready to walk down to the door at the first floor when Haewon stood up to.

"Stay in the room, Haewon"

"No. I'm not letting you to make that decision again, Jungkook"


"I'll be waiting at the stairs, don't worry"

He was reluctant to let her, but at the end he sighed and walked out. She slowly followed him to the stairs and stopped, just like she promised. She just want to make sure he is safe, that's all. Slowly, Jungkook walked to the door, hand slowly holding the gun in his pocket and unlocked the door. He was about to aim the gun at the unwanted visitor after opening the door when he stopped. For the first time in his one year marriage, this was the first time the man came to visit.

The man who despises him for being poor because he could only rent out an apartment during the early days of dating his niece. The man who hated his job because he thought Jungkook was only using Haewon for pleasure, just like other soldiers. The man who loathed him, even after he managed to give everything Haewon dreamt off and told him he is wasting his time on his niece.

The man, Lee Haejin who stood in front if him with a stoic face and his cane supporting half of his body weight. The soldier eyes widen, and slowly he hand tuck out from the pocket, which the older sense it. He snorted while looking at him. "You have a gun in the house, Jungkook?"

"Danger can be anywhere, I need to be prepared for it. Since I won't be here always, it is for Haewon"

"That is why I hated the idea of you getting married to her. You are going to die in the war anyway, why did you married her?"

Jungkook stayed silent, he had heard those words plenty of time it had no effect on him. He let the man in, the rage before came back to his body, how he was a traitor for siding with the German's. Maybe he wanted to be rich, but his act is now threatening his niece safety. Soft footsteps could be heard from the stairs, and Haejin eyes went from fear to relieve real quick after seeing her uncle at the door step. Haejin always had a soft spot her, so his eyes turned warmed seeing her and his smile greeted the woman.

"Why are you still awake Haewon?"

"I couldn't sleep. Do you want some tea? I'll go and make some-"

"His visit is short, Haewon. You don't have to"

Jungkook voice stopped her, and she could sense how her husband eyes were burning with anger and his jawline tighten. She looked back at her uncle, but the old man only smirked and he was about to approach her closer but Jungkook stopped him. He held her hand , standing in front of her which puzzled Haewon more. She knew Jungkook and her uncle wasn't in good term, but the tension they both released was making her feeling restless.

"Just tell us why you come. It's late already, you should get home as fast as you can."

"I guess you already know, Jungkook"

His grip on her was tight, and he could feel his own heartbeat racing loudly. If it wasn't for Haewon, he would have dragged the man out and punched him till his face was no longer recognizable. He was mad at the older for mocking him because of his life and how he kept saying he will never be enough for Haewon. The man had no rights to say that, when his act of treason is going to kill her own niece.

He will do anything to protect her, his small family, even if that means he have to kill him.

"I'm just paying a visit. I miss my niece, turns out she miss me too. Don't you feel guilty for separating us?"

"I don't think Jungkook meant it that way-"

"No. Because she is now under my care and if you really did miss her, why did you never come to visit? You should have grab the chance when I was away, sir. Now excuse me, I have unfinished business with your lovely nice. Good night"

She was startled at his words. Never once Jungkook will talk back at her uncle. It was the first time he show how he was pissed of at the old man, but her uncle didn't say anything. She felt sorry for him, but couldn't do anything accept seeing her uncle walk out from the house, a hint of sadness could be seen in his eyes and his smiles. When the door was closed, he slowly let go of her hand, and his palm rested on the wall, catching his breath he never knew he was holding.

She sensed his state and stood up in front of him. Her hands cupped his face, eyes full of worry at his condition. Why was he being like this? Why was he so riled off at her uncle, when it was just the same mocking words he had heard for the past two years knowing her? Just what happened between her uncle and her husband behind her back?

"Are you okay? Jungkook, let's go to bed. I'll make you some-"


"Yes? Are you in pain? Tell me, where is it"

"Kiss me Haewon. "

She was surprised at his sudden request, and her dark orbs look into his. They were fear, rage and sadness mixed in his eyes, but Haewon couldn't understand why he was feeling like that. She knew her husband kept a lot of secrets because of his work, but something is off. It was like the secret he is keeping is about her.

"Jungkook, just let me-"


She sighed seeing how stubborn he is, and her fingers slowly brushed his hair before kissing him. It was sorrowful, and she could sense how the kiss was different from what they always had. He had slowly pulled her closer and deepened the kiss, as he was afraid of losing her.

Tommorow will be the fate for his uncle, but Jungkook wasn't ready for it. Because the bond between the Lee's is strong, he knew it will be hard for him to choose.

Why the choices I had is not on my side?

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