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Jungkook eyed the blonde man, who was calmly looking around the living room with a smile. He couldn't deny the man had a features any woman would fall for, and the fact that Haewon had met him before trigerred something out in his body. Was it jealousy? No way he will admit it. His pride and ego will crush the moment he admit how he saw the man as a threat for his perfect life.

"We've met during an auction held by The Swiss, it was when the both of us were young. She was 9 and I was 10. Though she won't remember that"

He started a conversation and looked from his shoulder, seeing how the soldier eyed him with a sharp look. Haewon was in the kitchen, making them something as she thought it will be rude to make Peter walk away like that. He didn't mind though, in fact he was delighted to the point Jungkook hated him more.  He knew his presence bothered the man, but he was excited to meet Haewon again after a long time. She was his small little crush after all.

"How do you met her Jungkook? I tried to ask Mr. Lee about you, but he tends to change the topic. Guess you weren't his favourite"

At this point, all Jungkook could do was calm himself from punching the handsome man in front of him. His jaw tightened, and he rolled up a fist at his thigh. The man seems to know how his uncle hated him, but he's not going to kill him. Not tonight.

"At a bar. I guess things escalated fast for us. One minute we were friends, the next morning we are lovers. Guess you spending your youth time with your small feelings for her went to waste I guess. I'm not sorry about that"

This time, it was Peter who is going to swung the hammer before at his face. The devilish smile he had was mocking the blondie, and he agree at Mr.Lee words, soldiers are indeed player. Haewon was stubborn enough to marry him. Seeing the frowning Peter, Jungkook feel his victory sweeping in his body. He can fight this man all night long, and he sure will win. So what if he wasn't her uncle favourite? He was her favourite.

"I guess you giving her hints, flowers or even tried to impress her was just seen by her as a gesture of friends. That doesn't work my way , Harrison. You know how bold and straight forward a soldier can be when it comes to woman. You should have know that by now. We are living in a war, my friend"

At this time, Jungkook had stood eye to eye with him, smirking at the raging man. He was happy at how his comeback was enough to make him angry, but he doesn't want to lose his cool. He need to burn him to the point Peter regretted to stay with them for supper. Oh, he will make sure the man cries his heart out tonight for losing the only woman he loved since he was 10.

"Soldiers are known to be fucking any woman they met after every victory, so tell me. Before you met Haewon, how many wars have you won? Countless? Then how many woman have you fucked before having her under you? Will it be countless to? Are you that kind of man?"

"And if i am, what will you do?"

"Shame on you to be marrying a woman like her. She deserved more, not a soldier who dirtied every woman in London and can die anytime , as if it was for the sake of loyalty. They did sex as if it will be their last, but ended up winning and fuck more woman. Funny how you never considered yourself that dirty to the point you can marry her, spit out rubbish promises and leave her alone when you die. That is how selfish you are, Jeon"

To his surprise, Jungkook chuckle before tucking his hand in his pocket, poking his cheek with his tongue before running his nicely combed hair using his slender finger. He still had those eyes, cold but Peter saw the man was about to punch him in the face if he continued. He wasn't as strong as him, but he did knew some punches were enough to knock down a man, or probably just swung anything possible to his devilish face if they went into a physical contact.

Soldier // j.j.kWhere stories live. Discover now