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He unlocked the door and once he entered their house, he could hear her voice giggling with their child. The voice warmed him in and quietly placed his coat and hat at the coat rack. He went closer to them, eyes soften at how Haewon kneeled beside Jaeun and helped her learn to walk. They were giggling and whenever the child laughs too much, she bumped her butt back to the floor and Haewon would let out a little gasp. It was a beautiful sight for him. His family was perfect and he loves it.

Will the war took his happiness away?

She was bopping her nose with the child when a pair of strong arms circled his waist and she let out a gasp. She looked to her side, eyes meeting her husband beautiful orbs and she smiled. The argument they had this morning was forgotten as Haewon always forgot every fight they had. Jaeun seems happy to see her father and giggling at the nose scrunch he did. Their laughter was heard throughout the house, but the uneasy feeling in his heart was still there.

It was as if the warmth in his family couldn't shove away the fear of him losing them. He couldn't imagine living without them, but was he too selfish to think he will take the bullet for them, for his beloved wife so they can live even without him? Was he afraid of being alone again in the war, when he thought it will be better if he was the one who died in the war itself? She scolded him for almost killing himself, but he thought it was the best for them.

For loving her too much, it will become a tragedy.

"She's asleep"

Haewon voice interrupts his thoughts and he looked down at the child sleeping in her mother arms. Slowly they stood up with Jungkook helping her to stand, and the pair slowly let down the child to her cradle. She planted a kiss at her temple before pulling the blanket to cover Jaeum small body. When she straightened herself back, she saw her husband eyes long stare at their child so she held his arm.  He looked at her back, and the soft smile greeted him.

"You did come home"


"Usually, whenever an emergency happens, you will walk out of the house and come home for the next three months. It's the first time you came back the same day you leave. Is it good or a bad thing?"

"If it's a good thing, what will you do?"

"If it's a good thing, you will have to bring me to bed Jungkook. We won't be sitting here standing like some old married couple talking about the war. Something did happen right?"

He chuckled before pulling her closer to him, hands rested at her lower back and kissed the tip of her nose. She smiled and tiptoe to kiss his nose back and hugged his neck to close their distance. It slowly turned to a kiss fight where they will be planting kisses at any part of their face but not the lips. He will tease her by brushing slightly her soft lips, and she will pecking the corner of his lips.

"You're testing me, Haewon"

"Says the one who was doing the same thing"

He laughed and slowly rested his chin at her shoulder, a low sigh left his lips.  A lot of question swirled his mind. Did she know about her uncle treason? Was she in part of it? If the order that he will get tomorrow requires him to kill someone he loves and care, is he willing to do it? He was scared, afraid, but mad too. Why did her uncle do it? What was the reason for him sending codes to the German's?


"Yes?" she replied, her hand rubbed his back for comfort, while her finger played with his black hair. She could sense him worrying about something, but she doesn't know why. Was it a secret? Or he simply doesn't want to share his problem?

"You still didn't answer my question about the choice of your workplace."

"So that's worrying you?" she asked and laughed. She thought it was something big or a mistake she did. Maybe their argument this morning was ticking him off, but gladly it wasn't. She slowly pushed him and rested her hands at her arm before she speaks.

"My uncle said that I could learn a lot there. Why? Do you want me to work at the chapel?"

"It will be better there. Your work time ended far more early than the hospital"

"I'll inform him-"

"Don't. Don't tell him anything"

Silence. There was silence in their house after he said that, and Haewon realised how uncomfortable it is. His eyes were full of rage when he said that, and his jaw tightened. He realised how different he is and softened his expression before looking away.  Haewon will be suspecting him, but he couldn't hide his feeling of how he is mad at her uncle actions. He was fighting for peace, and her uncle was shoving the German's information about them. Haewon would have to pay the price of his treason if the law decided to kill him.

She would have to do labour work for the rest of her life and probably been forced to stay herself away from him and their daughter. If that was the G6 order, Jungkook couldn't do anything. It depends on how the higher-ups view the situation. The Germans killed someone innocent in a peaceful neighbourhood, and they were ordered to only scared them. There wasn't an exact order to kill her wife, but Jungkook knew they were planning to do it.

And to stop the Germans, he needs to kill her uncle, Lee Haejin.

"I, I won't tell him. Sorry"

"No. You don't have to say sorry. It just I don't think you have to tell him that. Tomorrow, I will go to the chapel and find some nursing works for you. In the meantime, just stay at the hospital for a while until I managed to find a spot for you"

She nodded before touching his face and he peck her palm. She smiled before distancing themselves and excused herself to the kitchen when he held her hand to stop her.

"You, you won't leave me, right?"

"Why would I? I'm your wife, Jungkook."

"It just- well-"

"Even in the next life, I will still be your wife, and you will still be my husband. Even if we are completely stranger to each other"

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