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"Where did you get this scar?"

"A knife cut. The boys in military often fight with each other, that includes me"

She chuckled heartily and traced the small scar on his cheek. Then, she slowy trailed her fingers to his bare shoulder, a longer scar was spotted.  Her eyes looked up to him, raised her eyebrows at him. The man smiled before pulling her naked body closer to her and stroked her hair softly. " A bullet. Lucky enough it only brushed my shoulder but it still left a scar"

"From the war?"

He shook and answered, "No. From a mission"


He nodded pulled up the sheet to cover her body which had fallen to her waist due to her movements. One hour before, they were gasping and calling each other name breathlessly. Now, he was giving her a chance to ask anything she want to ask. Haewon didn't skip the chance to ask, but her question was basic and Jungkook wonder why. She had a lot of questions when he saw her at the bar, but now she was avoiding the chance. It was like she was waiting the right time to ask the questions he was ready to answer.

Her fingers trailed to the other scars he had from his dangerous work, but she didn't ask what is it. Some were old scars, some were new and some where in the process of healing. It was a living proof he fought bravely in the war, or while he was in an operation. He had become an army since he was young, it will be weird if there is no scars at his body.

"Did you sleep with other woman when you are on a 'mission'?"

"I couldn't, though I had to pretend to be someone's husband sometimes, but it was only for the sake of disguise"

"Still, you did kiss them. "

Then, she didn't expect him to kiss her passionately and igniting the spark in their body which was calmed down before. It was divine and blissful one, and wondered where did he learned to kiss someone so skillfully. She gripped his shoulder hard and let the man to leave some bruises on her lips. She thought he was about to go futher more when he softly broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. Slowly he took her wrist to his lips and planted a peck on it, which succeed in making her inside feeling giddy along with her rosy cheeks.

"You are the first woman I kissed like that. You should be honoured to have it"

"What about the one night stand you had? "

"Ah that, I don't exactly remember how I kiss them"

She laughed and again they went into silence, eyes looking at each other. There was something unexplainable in his beautiful eyes, and she could stare at it everyday. The same eyes that got worried when her tears escaped her eyes from the pain, the one that looked at her so warmly in the tub when they had shower together in the motel and the longing gaze he had when he set his eyes on her at the back of the bar. She never knew she might end up as a one night stand, but she hoped for more. Guess her uncles was right about men.

They make you hope something, when they have nothing to give.

Deep in her heart, she had a feeling Jungkook wasn't like that. She heard about soldiers and military officer often reward themselves with beer and sex, and the bar will be the best place to have both. Maybe he did came for something, or probably just to have one or two glass before walking himself out. But for him to come back and find her, was making her started to think, did he missed her? Or her body?

At the second thought, her heart slumped and regretted her decision to follow him back home. If he was only for her body, she was just the same as the one night stands he had before. Probably because she was a virgin, he found her something he couldn't take his eyes off. That was when she feel stupid at romantizing something that wasn't hers. She should have know better about his intention.

Slowly, she broke away the contact and he realised something is off. She slowly distanced himself from her which led him to grab her wrist to stopped her.

"Why? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, I'm just sleepy. Good night "

"I spend sleepless night missing you, and you are going to sleep now?"

"You what?"

Her eyes widen at his words and he smiled before pulling her closer again to his naked turso. This time, he had circled both of his arm around her, making no space between their bare skin. He could feel how her body tensed up at the sudden contact of their skin and he liked it how he is the only man who have touched her this close. If it wasn't about his main purpose to confess, he will have continue devour her like he did one hour ago. Their breath was deep and calm, but their heart beat was increasing to the point they could felt it at their skin.

"I miss you Haewon. I fucking miss you. I miss your laugh, smile and your silly jokes. I miss us being like this, not just the thought of your body, but to have you in my arms and you played with my hair. I wasn't lying when I said those words before, and the past months I left you was a hell for me"

"For god sake, it was the first time I wished to survive in an operation. I was afraid at the fact about not seeing you again and died in an unknown country. I feared I could never hold you again in my arms, looking into your eyes and tell those words to you"


"You heard me Haewon. I know you heard me. But I don't want to be the only person feeling this. If you think I came back for sex, then I wanted to prove you wrong. For once, I have a sole reason to stay alive, and it is you"

He sounded desperate, so afraid and so in love saying those. The way his eyes pleaded her to answer was making a warm feeling spread to her body. She had miss him terribly, eyes always looking at the door bar waiting for him to come and the warmth of his skin on her. She thought he had left her, or dead but there was no news of him. With him leaving her hanging, she thought he was only pampering his needs.

"Then why you never come to see me? Or even send a letter?"

"I couldn't. The war was geting worse ever since we won that day, and I was sent to another part of country. It was a top tier secret, and sending message is dangerous. I couldn't even say my goodbyes to you "

The war was cruel for everyone, even for them. She waited for someone who might die in a battlefield, and he hold back the eager to inform him about his well being. They couldn't reach for each other, but he had longed for her the same way she longed for him. Love indeed is a beautiful tragedy.

"Will you say it? Or are you planing to find another lover?"

"Silly,no." She said before slowly kissing his lowe lips and let out a whisper.

"I love you, Jeon Jungkook."

The man couldn't contain his happiness and went straight to kiss her lips again, slowly pushed away the sheets from them. This time , he is making love with her, with the love itself in their hearts.

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