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They waited outside for several minutes before an officer came closer to them. Jungkook stood up, followed by Haewon and the soldier saluted at Jungkook, despite he was suspended for a while from his work.

"Mr. Lee is in the interrogation room, and he is ready sir"

"When is the execution?"

"One hour from now. "

Jungkook glanced at Haewon, her expression was calm, but her eyes tell something different. She was scared, sad and disbelief. It was mixed and Jungkook couldn't help but to take her hand in his, squeezing it slightly to gain her attention before smiling. It work, when she looked at him, the mixed feelings gradually went away.

"Let's go meet your uncle. "

The soldier lead the pair to another building, one that looked gloomy and she gripped his hand more. This was the part of his life that he never want Haewon to see and experience. Guess he failed when she is here, seeing the depressing atmosphere and a faint sound of people yelling in pain. It was too much for her, and all he could do was having her next to him closer.

They passed some cell, and Haewon saw how ugly the prisoner were. Bloodshot eyes and bruises, smiling wickedly when she make contact to one of the prisoner. Then they passed another, a person with no hands, banging his head to the wall. They passes more and more, and she could sense how wicked the punishment they had. There were some who laid at the cold floor, eyes and mouth wide open. Faint voices of pain and curse, the stench of blood and the emotionless eyes of the prisoner was enough to make Haewon puked.

"Jung-Jungkook. W-wait"

She stopped him, making the soldier in front of them did the same. She looked at the young man and asked,

"W-where is t-the nearest toilet?"

"Pass this two cells and at your right-"

She didn't wait for him to finish when she sprinted off to where the toilet is, Jungkook loses his grip on her. The man asked the younger to wait while he chased his wife, her figure disappeared at the corner right of the building. "Haewon!," He shouted, earning attention from some officers and prisoner but he didn't care.

As soon as he saw the unisex toilet, he pushed the door and he heard vomiting sounds coming from one of the cubicle along with a ragged breathing. It came from the last cubicle, so he took his step towards it and saw his wife kneeling at the toilet bowl, letting out everything she ate for breakfast at the chapel. Jungkook slowly kneel down one leg beside her before tying her long hair with his hands. The grey suiter hat she was wearing before was already at the cold tile of the toilet, probably fell down when she rushed to let out everything in her stomach.

Jungkook could only look at her, his other free hand was rubbing her back covered with the silkg grey long dress. Once she had calmed down, he slowly pulled her up , and helped her to flush the vomit in the toilet bowl. He lead her to the sink , and he turned the tap open. Haewon trembling hands slowly touched the cold water and washed her mouth, not wanting any remains of her vomit to be there again.

Her husband took out a handkerchief out from his pocket and handed it to her. She took it and wiped her mouth while calming down her breath.

"Are you fine now? Or you want to wait for a little while here?"

His soothing voice entered her ear, and she looked at him. He was worried and she felt guilty about leaving him abruptly back then. The scene was just sickening she couldn't stand it.  Haewon nodded and after making sure she wasn't as pale as before, they walk out from the toilet where the young soldier had waited for them.

Soldier // j.j.kWhere stories live. Discover now