Thirty two

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The sun had set, which meant the festival was going to begin any second now. I wore a pretty black dress, which I had to because there was a dress code. You weren't allowed to simply show up in skinny jeans and a sweater, which would have been more comfortable. I looked into the mirror, pouting my lips as I tried to pull my dress down. It was short, not too short, but it was shorter than I liked. I huffed as I looked at the time, seeing it was 8:50 PM already, which meant I only had ten more minutes to get my ass to campus. Eren, Kurumi, Kaguya and Tsukasa were there already, so I quickly made my way to the place everyone was gathering at the moment.

''You look hot,'' Kurumi said awfully casual as a faint blush spread across her cheeks, placing a single finger on her chin, ''Levi isn't going to be able to keep it down, you know.''

''You are so fucking weird,'' Kaguya laughed, crossing her arms in front of her chest and shook her head slowly, disappointed with her friend. She wasn't actually disappointed, but she was like the mom of the friend group, at least everyone saw her that way. Including myself.

''EVERYONE!'' Hange yelled cheerfully, ''this festival is here to end this year! The night is going to end with fireworks! WOO! You can get food and drinks everywhere and don't forget to have fun with your friends! I hope you all will enjoy your time and—''

''Please remember to be careful. Don't cause any scenes,'' Erwin's deep voice echoed through the microphone which he just snatched out of Hange's hand like it was nothing. His eyes shift from Levi to ... me, at least that's what it looks like. Even though we're standing in a crowd, it looks like his eyes are on me. It won't surprise me if he is since he's suspicious of Levi and me and doesn't want the message to go over our heads.

I bit my bottom lip before I felt someone tug on my sleeve, it was Tsukasa. ''Do you want to grab a bite of food?'' he mumbled, his social skills were outstandingly poor, but it was cute. I nodded and walked next to him to the nearest food stall, ordering some spring rolls since that's what I was craving. Luckily, all of the food here was free of cost, but you had to be responsible and not eat an excessive amount of food.

Something Sasha Braus was definitely not doing.

Sasha was a big eater, a big food lover. She always asked for everyone's lunch, as if she was starving every second of the day. I had given her some of my food once because I genuinely thought she didn't have enough, only to find out she had asked over ten people the same question.

She was kind though, and very pretty. She was walking with about three plates full of food and was munching on something at the same time. My lips curled up into a smile I couldn't hide, shaking my head at what the girl was doing. She had some balls. If one of the teachers found out they'd probably send her back to the dorms.

I take a bite of my spring roll, my eyes widening because of the amazing taste. ''Aah! I have been craving this for so long!'' I groan in excitement, closing my eyes firmly as I was enjoying the amazing taste of the food.

I open my eyes in surprise when I hear someone laugh next to me, Tsukasa. When he caught my gaze he quickly hid his mouth with his hand, an obvious blush promptly reached his cheeks and he swiftly looked away, breaking the eye contact.

''Did you just laugh at me?''

''No,'' he mumbled, but looked cheekily at me, causing me to crack a smile at him. ''U-um, Y/N?'' he stuttered, avoiding my gaze whilst I tilt my head slightly, waiting for him to tell me whatever he's about to say.

''Can you forget what Kurumi said?''

''What do you mean?''

''Ah ... good. You forgot already,'' he nodded, satisfied as he took a bite of the spring roll he had ordered, chewing on it without saying another word.

''Do you mean the thing about you having a crush on me?'' I raise one brow playfully and he immediately changes his attention back to me. His entire face now turned completely red and I couldn't help but crack up and nudge his shoulder. ''It's okay, Tsukasa.''

''It's n—''

''Here you two are!'' Kurumi makes her way to Tsukasa and me whilst holding a big cotton candy in her hand. It was like three times the size of her head and she grinned at me before shoving it in my face, well, almost.

''Here. Take a bite. You need to eat something else before beating Reiner up,'' she grins and I do what I get told. The sugar melts into my mouth and I cringe at the intense sweet taste. I love cotton candy but hate the fact that I can almost feel my teeth rotting away whenever I take a bite of it.

I sigh as I look over at Reiner and Jean, who sit next to each other about twenty steps away from us. I scratch the back of my head, not excited to confront him, but I know I have to. This would maybe be the only way to get Reiner's big nose out of my business.

''Go, go,'' Kurumi says whilst almost pushing me into the boys' direction. I bite my bottom lip nervously as I reach Jean and Reiner, who seem to be too busy talking to each other to notice me standing there.

''Hey, Reiner,'' I try to sound as sweet as possible as I hold my hands in front of me, trying to find a way to look cute. Reiner narrows his eyes, but it disappears quickly and gets replaced by a nasty grin. ''Can we talk for a second, without Jean?''

''Without Jean? Of course,'' he immediately stands up, placing his hands into his pockets whilst licking his bottom lip seductively. I cringe as I try my best to remain calm in front of him. My eyes shift to Jean, who seems to be offended, but doesn't act on it.

The two of us start to walk until we're away from the crowd. I gulp as I feel him walk closer to me and I inhale deeply, getting ready for what I'm about to do. I look around myself, making sure nobody can see us. I clench my jaw and punch his stomach as hard as I could, causing him to groan in pain and take a few steps back, wrapping his arms around his abdomen.

''What the fuck do you think you're doing, Reiner?''

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 〆 Levi Ackerman x Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now