Twenty five

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I looked at Levi, who sat behind his desk as he stared at his laptop screen and occasionally wrote something down. I glanced at Eren, who had scooted his paper as close to the edge of the table as possible without it looking suspicious. I looked at Levi one more time before looking at Eren's paper in the corner of my eye. His handwriting was neat enough to read, so that was a good thing.

His first answer was 845 and the second answer was approximately 50 meter. Nice, got those. I quickly wrote them down and checked if Levi saw us. He was still looking at his laptop. I wasn't sure if he was just faking not noticing us or if he genuinely hadn't seen anything. Either way, I could cheat on my test in peace.

After about 10 questions and Eren telling me to hurry up, the door suddenly opened and Erwin stepped into the room.

''Levi,'' he said and Levi looked up from his laptop, staring at the blonde man who stood still in the door opening. I glanced at Erwin, who met my eyes for a second before looking back at Levi. ''Come with me to my office, now'' was all he said before he turned around and left the classroom.

Everyone looked up from their tests to take a look at Levi, who cursed under his breath. People started to whisper and come up with rumours why Levi would have to come with Erwin in the middle of class. You rolled your eyes as you heard them come up with the most ridiculous things ever.

''Brat's, finish your tests. I will assume nobody will cheat on their tests or else you're just a bigger idiot than you already were. I'll be back in a minute''

I looked at Eren, who stared back at me, both anxious about the situation. ''You don't think he found out, do you?'' Eren questioned and I shook my head. ''I don't know,'' I replied.



''Levi'' Erwin said as he clapped once before sitting down behind his desk. I took a seat in front of him and waited for him to tell me his reason for bringing me here. In the middle of class. Uninformed.

''Enjoying your job?'' he asked with a small smile on his face. I frowned my brows at him, a bit taken aback by his question. I decided not to reply since I know that's not why he asked me to come here and I'm not going to waste my time. There was no way he just wanted some small talk.

''Are you going to tell me why you asked me to come here, Erwin? Those damn brats are probably cheating on their tests by now, you're taking too long''. Erwin laughed and I rolled my eyes.


''Your students, huh? Levi, I wanted to make a suggestion''


''I've noticed you're causing some commotion for certain student's. Do you understand what I'm talking about?''

''If you mean my way of teaching, those brat's shouldn't whine. This world is harsh and they need to learn how to cope with it or else they'll get nowhere in life. And that won't be my fault and is not one of my concerns.''

Erwin smiled, ''I don't think you understand what I'm getting at''

''Then tell me exactly what you're talking about, fuck'' I rolled my eyes, growing tired of this guessing game already. I tilted my head slightly to the side, waiting for him to explain the real reason why I'm here. I watched him lean back into his chair a little and tapped gently on the wooden surface of the desk in front of him.

''I've noticed some students talking about you in an inappropriate way.''

''That is not my problem, Erwin''

''Take this more serious, will you?'' Erwin inhaled deeply, ''there are students who are smitten by you and they are creating rumours. Some parents have heard them and are weirded out about the situation. You're not an idol, you're a teacher.''

''How do you expect me to stop them? Get plastic surgery to look different?'' I deadpan, ''I do not give them any attention. I just teach those brat's about history, that's all.''

''Are you sure you don't give them any attention, Levi?'' Erwin questioned. It didn't sound much like a question, more like 'I know something and I want you to know I know'. I clear my throat, legs crossed and I put one arm over the other in front of my body.

''I'm sure''

''I'll take your word for it then, Levi,'' Erwin sighed and leaned forward, ''I trust you. Please don't mess this up. If you do, I'll have to fire you''

''What?'' I said and frowned at him in disbelieve, ''what the hell do you think I'm doing?''

''I think you know what you're doing. But if it is like you said, you aren't doing anything, right? If there's nothing going on, then there's nothing to worry about for the both of us. So I suggest it stays that way or you get rid of the problem, you know what I mean.'' He chuckled deeply and I gulped, quiet enough for him not to hear.

I pat the dust off my legs as I stood up and leaned against the wall, ''was that all, Erwin?''

He hummed and his lips slightly curled up into a smile. I nodded slowly, making sure I remained as calm as possible, I didn't want Erwin to get even more suspicious of me than he already was. Fuck. How could this have happened?

Reiner. He must have told Erwin, but he didn't have any proof. He probably knows it was me who beat him up, he made that pretty clear in class earlier. He deserved every punch I laid on him, though. I had to teach that dog some manners.

''You can leave now, Levi''

I nodded and left his office and walked through the halls back to the classroom, lost in thought.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 〆 Levi Ackerman x Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now