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We all walk out of the classroom and made our way to the lunchroom. Everyone was confused as to why Levi would suddenly tell us to leave. I got worried. It wasn't like him to act this way and he was meaner than he usually is to his students. Sometimes I wonder how he didn't get in trouble yet.

We all sat down at a table in the middle of the room, except Kurumi. She left to go to her room. She probably didn't want to talk to me and I honestly didn't want to talk to her either. I sighed as I shyly fiddle with my fingers, not wanting my friends to bring up Kurumi and I's quarrel.

I look at Eren, who immediately looks away. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife, until Kaguya finally speaks up, ''Y/N?'' she asks.

I hum in response and I see her look at Eren, Tsukasa and then back at me. ''Why does mister Ackerman always want to see you after class?'' she questions awkwardly.

I open my mouth slightly. Shit. I knew this was going to happen eventually, but I didn't realise it would happen this soon. ''We had been wondering for a while, but we didn't wanna make you feel weird... but today in class, he wouldn't stop staring at you.''

''Yeah it's getting weird,'' Eren says and looks at me, clearly worried.

''What?'' I chuckle nervously. I felt so uneasy. I understand why they felt this way, but they were completely wrong.

''If it's more than just caring about his student, then you need to report that creep to principal Smith,'' Tsukasa says and I meet his gaze, both shocked and surprised since he doesn't talk much.

''G-Guys! You are wrong! Mister Ackerman... he just... he's just concerned about my grades. He knows my situation and wants to give me feedback!''

''After every single class?'' Eren raises his eyebrow at me and I don't know how to answer.

Should I just tell the truth and be honest?

''Hey? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in class?'' I hear someone behind me say. It was Hange. Thank god.

''No, mister Ackerman told us we should leave the classroom. So, we're waiting for our other classes to start.'' Kaguya says and she smiles friendly at Hange.

''Ah,'' she murmurs, ''Y/N? He's asking for you,''

I frown at her and she realises I don't have any idea who she's talking about. ''Mister Ackerman,'' she huffs and I bit my lip before inhaling deeply. I eye my friends who all look at me in a suspiciously, making me feel self-conscious.

''It's nothing,'' I whisper and I walk away from the scene, going to Levi's office.


I stand in front of the door that leads towards his office. A restless feeling fills my body and I take in a deep breath before knocking on the wooden door.

''Name?'' I hear from the other side of the door.

''It's Y/N, Hange told me you wanted to see me.''

It stays silent for a moment, ''come in,''

I open the door and see him sitting behind his desk. His grey cold eyes watch every move I make. I close the door behind me and sit on the chair in front of his desk.

''What's up?'' I say quietly, avoiding eye contact.

''What's wrong, Y/N?'' he calls and I bite my bottom lip '' did I make you do something you didn't want to do? If that's the case. Then I will apologise, I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable.''

''No... No that's not it...''

''Then what is it?''

He blinks as his eyes adjust and I start to think about what Hange said to me. She told me to be honest with Levi and tell him what upset me, but it was damn difficult, to be honest to him. I mean, what if he just laughs at me and tells me I took all of this more serious than he did? What if he doesn't even feel anything for me?

''I overheard your conversation with principal Smith the other day... I heard him talk about that Petra woman and... and I don't want to be overreacting, but if you're seeing another woman then please leave me alone! I... I know it might be too early to say, but I think I have feelings for you and if you're just playing with me then stop it because it's not funny!'' I ramble and I blush as I realise what I had told him.

Fuck. I just confessed to him, huh.

It stays quiet for a few minutes. It wasn't a comfortable silence though. It felt awkward and I couldn't read Levi's face, so I don't know if he's angry at me. We keep eye contact for a few seconds until he looks away. I break the eye contact and look down at my school bag, ready to pick it up and leave the place.

''I like you too, Y/N. But it doesn't matter if I do, it's illegal.''


Sorryyy this chapter is a little boring :(

the next one is better, I promise

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 〆 Levi Ackerman x Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now