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My entire body cringes as I run out of the classroom embarrassed of what I had said.

''Mister Ackerman, would you break the rules for love?''

''Ahhh! Im so stupid!'' I say as I cover my face with my hands ''he's going to think I'm so weird and I won't blame him for it!'' I don't even know why I said it. It's not like I have feelings for him, at least I don't think I do? I can't, he's my teacher. He's just quite handsome and he makes me feel alright for some reason.

I don't bother going to my next class as I don't want to show myself with the reddest face in history, I'll just wait in the cafeteria. I didn't even give mister Ackerman time to respond to my question, not that I wanted him to. I ran out of the classroom the second those words left my lips. It must've looked so stupid.


''Y/N!'' Kaguya yells and she waves at me. Lots of people are walking into the cafeteria since lunch break had started.

''What did he talk to you about?'' Kurumi asked when her and my three other friends take a seat at the table I sat down. I look up from book and frown at her in confusion.

''Ackerman,'' she says and my heart skips a beat hearing his last name. I start to laugh nervously, remembering the embarrassing moment we shared in the classroom just an hour ago.

''Oh...'' I say awkwardly ''he just wanted to apologise for not taking my problems into mind.''

She raises an eyebrow, ''damn, didn't know that dude even knew what the word sorry meant. You're special, Y/N.''

''Y/N'' I turn my head to face Annie and her group of friends who walked up to the table we are sitting at.

''Heard Mr Ackerman wanted to talk to you after class, huh? Was it because you pussied out in class a few weeks ago? Or does he also see how stupid you are and told you to move to a school for imbeciles?'' she laughs and places both her hands in front of me ''He is mine. Don't try to do the same thing you did at your last school. You whore.'' And with that said she walked away, laughing.

''Do I have permission to kill her?'' Kurumi says angrily before standing up but both Eren and Kaguya grab her arm. ''No.''

''She needs to shut the hell up, she doesn't even know the real reason as to why Y/N moved schools''

I told them the real reason why I moved school about a week ago, I didn't want them to believe the rumours people made about me.

I sighed and pressed my lips together. For some reason Annie hated me. Is it because I don't remember who she is? I can't help it, my past was vague to me because of the pain I had been through.

I run my hand through my hair before standing up and grabbing my bag. ''I've got to go to the bathroom, I'll see you guys in class'' I turned on my heels and walked away.

''Y/N,'' I heard someone behind me say.

''Jesus what do you wa- ... sorry'' I turn around and my eyes widen and so do the eyes of the person I just verbally attacked.

It was mister Ackerman. Fuck.

''Haha... S-See you in class tomorrow!'' I say and turn around quickly, ready to run away.

''Wait,'' He says. ''Sorry! Gotta hurry!'' I yell and try to run away but a tight grip forms around my arm.

''I already told Mister Pixis that you're gonna be a little later. We have something important to discuss. It's about your grades,'' He says and his grip on my arm softens, making my tensed body soften as well, ''Come with me.''

I frown my eyebrows. Grades? I've only had two test so far and my grades weren't even that bad! I mean, they were bad, but not that bad. Well, one of the requirements I had to follow to even be allowed to get on this school were that I had to have good grades.

I sighed and followed the man in front of me. I nibbled on my bottom lip as we entered the classroom.

''Sit.'' He demanded.

I sat down on the chair in front of the little table and he sat on the other side. The scenery was the same as before. Only the little desk was what was separating our bodies.

I looked deep into his eyes as I felt a little blush creep onto my face.

''Mister Ackerman, would you break the rules for love?''

''So you see, brat,''

I rolled my eyes at the stupid nickname he gave every single student.

''I'm pretty sure you see your first three grades are horrendous.''

''Pardon?!'' I question ''they're not even that bad!''

''You have to get at least a 70%, L/N, only then you're allowed to stay on this school. Well, because I'm a decent person, I want to offer you extra classes around 8:30PM. It'll be in my office. Just the two of us. No distraction.''

I squint my eyes and my lips curl into a little smile. It wasn't weird or anything, some people on this school take evening classes, but the way he said it... Kinda sounded like he was suggesting something?

''Well, sir, it's just three grades though. I'm pretty sure I don't need extra classes for that and I'm pretty sure the principal will agree with me.'' I said and bit my lip slightly, just enough for him to focus on my lips instead of my eyes.

He leans back into his chair, putting his arms behind his head. ''I just want to make sure you don't get kicked off this school. I'm willing to use my free time to help a little brat and you're not even going to accept my offer?''

I chuckle softly, ''Or,'' I whisper and lean forward on the table ''Maybe you're just a perverted teacher who likes to look at school girls in uniforms with short skirts and that is why you want to help me, you want to see me more often.''

I don't know what came over me, but he widens his eyes hearing those lewd words leave my lips. He clears his throat and leans forward as well, our faces only inches away from each other.

''I was wondering what you meant by what you said earlier,'' He whispers ''would I break the rules for love?'' he slightly tilts his head.

The rose tint has now fully spread over my face. I was embarrassed, but I can't deny that I liked what was happening right now. I noticed him not meeting my gaze, but his eyes were completely fixated on my lips.

''The problem is,'' he says as he leans in ''if I kiss you right now, I don't think I'd be able to stop.''

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 〆 Levi Ackerman x Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now