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I turn my head up to face him and look at him with bewildered eyes.

''What?'' I whisper ''You do?''

He stays quiet, ignoring my question. He turned his head away, breaking our eye contact. A spark of hope filled my body and I stepped forward, closer to him.

''B-but we're both adults. H-Hange told me to figure this out on our own, since we're both mature enough. We can make this work, if we really want to. I want to, I'm willing to fight for it... if you will too.''

I looked at him and studied his face. His eyes showed the tiniest bit of emotion. His grey squinted eyes stared back into mine as he cleared his throat and stood up from his chair. He stepped towards me with his hands behind his back.


''What do you mean why?'' I questioned.

''Why are you willing to fight for me? For us? It's only been a couple of weeks.''

I started thinking. I honestly didn't know it myself. ''After I caught my ex with someone else, it was hard to open up my heart for any men or women again. I was scared of getting hurt so incredibly bad again. I was afraid to talk about my feelings and I was afraid of getting rejected because most of the time I'm awful with words. When I saw you... I don't know what happened to me. I'm not afraid around you. I don't feel like I have to be careful at all, I feel like I can be myself and speak my mind whenever I want to. Sometimes... sometimes you just fall for someone without being able to explain how or what you fell for. It just happened, and I love that it happened.

He stared at me. Our eyes were locked looking at one another and it felt nice. It felt comfortable. If he would reject me right here, I would honestly be able to endure it. Of course, I'd be hurt. But it would be one of the first time I was able and allowed to say what I really wanted to say without being afraid of someone getting angry at me.

I felt two warm hands cup my cheeks and a blush quickly spread over my skin. His thumbs lightly brushed over my cheeks and I couldn't help but smile. He returned the smile ever so gently. I loved it when I was able to make him smile, even if it was never a big one.

''So?'' I whisper as my voice cracks a little ''what do you say?''

''I say...'' he hums ''we should fight for each other.''

I softly grabbed his wrists and kissed him. Our lips moved in sync and butterflies filled my stomach. I was so happy. My tenseness dissolved into calm. For the first time in ages, I tasted the sweetness of serenity.

We broke the kiss and looked at each other for a few seconds before I took a deep breath, ''I need to tell my friends about us. I can't keep it a secret anymore... especially not after you accepted my feelings... I want to tell them how happy I am and-''

He kissed me one more time, ''of course,'' he pulls away and takes a seat behind his desk. ''but make sure those brats don't run their mouths. If they do, I'll lose my job. Tell them to be careful. If you don't tell them I'll make you clean-''

''Yeah, yeah,'' I giggle softly and step forward to my bag, picking it up and folding my arms in front of my chest. ''They won't tell anything, don't worry, Levi.''

''Where are you going?'' he tilted his head to the side. His black locks softly moved onto his forehead.

''Hmm? To my next class?'' I reply ''I have maths and I can't afford to skip class to make out with you,'' I giggled.

He huffed and nodded slowly. He knew I had to go to this class or else Erwin would probably get upset with me. I gave Levi one last peck and walked out of his office, leaving him behind with a bunch of paperwork.

''Don't forget we have extra class today... It'll be at 9:30 this time.'' He adds.


It was 8 PM and I just arrived from dinner. I smiled as I rubbed my tummy, I was full from all the food I ate. It was still awkward for me to have dinner with the entire school, as people were supposed to eat dinner there since we basically 'live' here. I had honestly forgotten about the whole Petra situation until I, as usual, started to overthink. He hadn't explained to me anything about her.

I look at my phone as I see it light up from a notification. It was a number that wasn't saved. I frowned and picked the device up, reading the notification carefully. It was a text message.

''Hey, my love! I'm going to start at a new school tomorrow and I was informed that you were attending as well! That's great because I'm not alone that way. By the way, I miss you! Can't wait to see you again.''

It couldn't be him, right? I started to feel anxious and I bit my bottom lip in reflex. I read the text over and over again. It had to be him, I mean, what stranger would call someone 'my love'. Besides that, since I barely had friends in the past, it had to be either him or Annie and I'm sure Annie wouldn't be that nice to me. And she already attended this school.

''Oh yeah, it's Reiner. I forgot to add my name ;)''

Oh boy.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 〆 Levi Ackerman x Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now