Forty seven

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''You know what, Levi,'' I say all of a sudden, turning around and walking back to him. The corners of his lips were drawn downwards, this was probably the first time I've visually seen him be sad. He never showed his feelings, probably thinking he should be the stronger person the whole time.

Like— he has to be strong for everyone, not allowing himself to show an inch of weakness.

''I know it's over,'' I say, my voice trembling, ''I know it's over between us, Levi, but I can't stand you walking around and hating me. I apologise for whatever you want me to apologise for. I just can't stand the thought of you hating me. Please, at least forgive me. At least forgive yourself.''

''I love you,'' Levi repeated himself, louder than before this time. His quiet, but special words finally reaching me. My mouth slightly dropped, and my head twitched somewhat in confusion, not being sure where this came from. He hadn't said a word to me for a long time, and now he decides to tell me he loves me?

''What made you realise?''

''I'm moving.''

''What?'' I asked him, not sure what kind of reply I even expected. It was pretty clear. He was moving— probably to another city or something. He told me he loves me because he feels like this is the last time he will see me. He's saying goodbye.

In his own way.

Breaking my heart one last time before he leaves.

''You're moving? Really?''

Levi simply nods, making it look like he cares less about it than he actually does. ''I want a new start, brat,'' he begins, crossing his arms in front of his chests as he speaks, ''it's quite far away from here. I thought I'd tell you, although I'm not sure why.''

''You're telling me you love me— and then you're telling me this is most likely the last time we'll see each other?''

''I know you think it's selfish, but—''

''Because it is, Levi. You know, I don't understand you,'' I shake my head in confusion, bringing my hand up to run my fingers through my hair, ''you told me you'd fight for me— were those words really just empty with no sense of truth behind them? It was all empty. Empty and pointless. Why are you doing this?''

''I thought I was doing the right thing.''

''Yeah, for you. Not for me.''


''Would you go back if you could?'' I asked Levi, who parted his lips slightly to respond but closed them after tossing his answer away. Simply because he wasn't sure what to say. He clenched his jaw, now realising this was the time we were going to talk.

On the school grounds. How ironic.

We're going to have a talk about our 'relationship' at the place that ruined it, in a hell of weather at that.

''I thought about it,'' he nods, ''if I never made a move on you, you'd just be another student who annoys me. We'd have no problems. Nothing to worry about.''

''No headaches and broken feelings,'' I sighed, just like he did. I hesitantly looked up at him, locking eyes with the man who used to drive my heart crazy. Actually, he still does. He wore a simple light blue blouse with black jeans, although his blouse was now drenched in water and shifted to a dark shade of blue. His hair was soaked, the usual soft locks now dripping with raindrops as it fell flatly on his head.

He still looked handsome. He could do whatever he wanted and he would always look handsome.

''Do you want to go back?''

''No,'' I reply, confused why he would even ask me that question, ''if there's anyone who wants to go back, I feel like it's you.''

He kept quiet, taking in another deep breath as he folded his arms in front of his chest. ''Tch,'' he breathes out a sharp breath as he looks up into the air, ''Hange helped me find a place to start a teashop.''

''You are really doing that, huh,'' I couldn't help but smile, devoid of happiness. Considering Levi's love for tea, this would be wonderful for him. Perfect even. He wanted a new start and to begin a business somewhere far away from a place with bad memories. Levi simply nodded, not adding another word to the conversation.

''I will wait for you,'' he spoke and I hesitantly look up from the ground, glaring at his face which loomed over mine. I could see him clench his jaw, he seemed determined about this, about the 'plan' in his head. ''You don't have much longer to go to this school, do you?''

''I don't.''

''Then come see me once you've graduated.''

''Why can't we fix things now? You're not my teacher anymore, Levi. It wouldn't bother anyone if we started dating, would it?'' I swallowed thickly, failing to understand where he was coming from. I would understand if he was still my teacher, but he got fired. Was this his way of asking for time to heal?

''Your father wouldn't agree with us dating at this moment after everything that happened. Erwin said the same thing. It's too soon. Some people need time. Time to accept and to heal.''

''But what if things won't be the way they used to be? Some time will pass, what if you or maybe even I find someone else?'' I ask him, my voice getting quieter the more I speak. It was merely my anxiety, though, a lot of things could happen in a matter of a few months. I was already on the road of accepting I had lost him, but now it just felt like I had to do that all over again.

''We'll see about that when the time comes, Y/N,'' he replies, giving me a slight smile before he clears his throat, going on his heels and begins to walk off to the entrance of the school.

''Till then, Levi,'' I say, my tone bright and clear, loud enough for him to hear it and stand still in his tracks.

''Till then.''

I'm sorry for the angst. Pls let me have my Isayama moment.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 〆 Levi Ackerman x Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now