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A few weeks had passed since the incident at school and surprisingly nobody said anything mean about it. Staying at school for five days was something I had to get used to. Luckily I didn't have any roommates that could possibly be very annoying.

People didn't care for me that much, except my four best friends. And I liked it that way.

Mister Ackerman has not spoken a single word about what had happened. I guess Kurumi was right and he was never going to apologise for not taking my problems and anxiety into mind. Well, it wasn't my problem since I surprisingly got a decent grade for it when I hadn't even done anything. Maybe he got forced to give me a nice grade for being such an asshole.

Some things did happen though. Simple things like our arms 'accidentally' brushing against each other when he walked past me in the hallways. Or our hands accidentally touching when I gave him my notebook for him to check my homework. And we would have eye contact more than a few times, but I didn't think much of it.

The chilly autumn breeze tickled my arms as I waited at the school gates for my four best friends, Kaguya, Kurumi, Eren and Tsukasa to arrive.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag which hung loosely over my shoulder and looked at the time and clicked my tongue seeing that the first class was about to begin.

''Y/N!'' I hear Kaguya behind me yell ''run! Class is about to start! Leave us.. save yourself!'' I frown as I turn around and see my friends sprint towards the school gates. Everyone looked sweaty because of the running.

''The hell?'' I whisper. ''RUN!'' Eren screams and I start running inside the school as confused as ever.


I pant when I arrive at the classroom door. I was trying to breathe steady since I didn't want to walk into the classroom as a dying cow. Once I regained my breathing I step into the class and frown when I see Mr Ackerman sitting behind the desk.

''Oh, wrong classroom,'' I whisper to myself and when I'm about to turn around his low voice burns through my body. ''Wait.''

''Ms Hange has fallen ill. I'm taking over her class,'' he says and his intimidating gaze makes me shiver while goosebumps cover my arms.

''Aw shit,'' Kurumi says who has also arrived at the classroom ''she's my favourite'' she sighs deeply and walks over to her seat. Not caring that the teacher just heard her harsh words.

After a while, everyone is sitting in class and the lesson starts by Mr Ackerman standing up from behind the desk and he starts writing things down on the board behind him.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 〆 Levi Ackerman x Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now