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It was Friday afternoon and tonight was parenting evening. I looked into the mirror and scanned the hickeys Levi gave me a few days ago. They weren't as obvious as two days ago, but they were still there. Luckily nobody noticed yesterday, well, Kurumi did and she kept teasing me with it.

I bit my lip as I looked into the mirror. I wore a white tennis skirt with an oversized black hoodie and some light make up. We all had to gather in your classroom with your classmates. Then you had to introduce yourself to all the parents and a few teachers that would be there and at last you had individual meetings with principal Smith and some teachers if your parents wanted more information.

This parenting evening was supposed to end in a small 'party' after the meetings with teachers and the principal were done. Because it was the end of this semester and the school wanted to do something special. And that was this, I guess.

I sighed to myself. If my dad really brough that woman here then I would lose it. Well, I wouldn't, but I'd be ranting to my friends later tonight. I walked through the halls of the dorm building and walked to the big school building. There were so many people walking around. It was almost time to gather in the classrooms so everyone was just walking around, finding their way to the classrooms.

I waited in front of my classroom and spotted my best friends and Levi. For some reason I always loved parent evenings, they had always been fun in the past.

''Hey,'' I say and they all smile when they see me, ''hey, Y/N!''

''This is going to be so awkward for you and Levi,'' Kaguya giggles and I laugh as well, ''Yup.''

I looked at Tsukasa who was playing a game on his phone with both his earphones in. He looked at me for a second and smiled with his eyes closed, a blush was obvious to see. Tsukasa was probably the most awkward person I had ever met. He barely said anything and when he said something he either said things that didn't make sense or he sounded mean. It was cute though.

''Tsukasa!'' Eren spoke with a sarcastic angry voice ''let me play now!''

''Ah!'' Tsukasa gasped as Eren suddenly snatched the phone out of his hand, causing his earphones to plop out of his ears. We all giggled as Tsukasa stood there, confused about what just happened.

''Is your dad really going to bring his fiancé? I don't understand how he doesn't understand what kind of asshole move that is.'' Kurumi says and frowns.

''He misspoke when I talked to him over the phone. He called her my mom, such a dick move.''

''What an idiot,'' Eren says and balls his fist and he grins ''I'll beat him up!''

I laugh at his silliness and look around me and see a few teachers waiting in front of the classroom as well. I saw Hange who was excitedly talking to Levi who looked very unamused. I smiled at the sight and I felt someone tap my arm.

''There's my beautiful daughter!'' I hear my father say with a big smile plastered on his face. I turn around to face him and I meet her gaze. I roll my eyes and my mood immediately sinks. He really did it. He really brought her here.

''Hey,'' I say uninterested and turn back around, not wanting to face him.

''You're not going to say hello to my dear Hina? Y/n, show some manners!'' he jokingly says, but I know he's serious. I roll my eyes and look at the both of them, shaking my head slowly.

''I told you not to bring her.'' I look at Hina who looks at me with saddened eyes.

''C-Come on Y/N, don't be like this.''

''Alright, everyone. Come in!'' Hange happily shouts and opens the classroom and we all walk in. the parents all sat behind the desk where we usually would sit at and all the students stood in front of the class. We all said our names and told a little bit about ourselves. It was my turn now.

''I'm Y/N,'' I start and I looked at Levi who stared at me with a slight smirk. I gasped quietly and tried to hide my hickeys a bit better with my hoodie as I felt uneasy. After the awkward introductions were done Hange handed out the papers of the schedule of the night. Everyone stood up, some going out of the classroom and some stayed waiting for their appointment.

I watched my father walk up to me as Hina followed behind him.

''Hey, mister L/N!'' I hear Reiner say as he suddenly stood next to me. The scent of his cologne was very strong and I recognised the scent immediately as it was the one I got him for his birthday. I mentally gagged, but I couldn't lie, he did smell good.

''Ah, Reiner! I haven't seen you in a while! How are you doing, my boy?''

I widen my eyes and look at Levi who clearly heard everything. He looked at me with big, confused eyes. ''Tch,''. He shook his head and he stepped forward to my father. I looked at Reiner who obviously didn't like Levi's presence. He clicked his tongue and left.

''Levi Ackerman. Y/N's history teacher.''

And boyfriend.

My father smiled at him and shook his hand and introduced himself and Hina, who was still standing behind him.Levi faced me for a moment before meeting my father's eyes again.

''I'll be joining your appointment with Erwin Smith. I have some things to say about your daughter.''



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