Forty four

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A few weeks passed and the day before 'prom' arrived. I didn't have a date and that was fine. Eren and I thought of going together but then changed his mind when Mikasa, a girl who has always had a crush on him, asked him to go with her. It was very cute. I didn't mind going alone, it's not like you have to have a date anyway.

I'll just have fun with my friends and I'll give my mind a break for the night. I didn't want to think about love for a little.

Levi had not contacted me ever since I saw him at the restaurant and I'm honestly starting to give up on him. I had talked to Hange about it, but they didn't know either. I knew Hange was hiding something about the situation, but I didn't ask them about it.

If Levi's choice was to simply give up on us because of this, despite knowing the consequences when someone found out, then that was his choice. I wasn't going to beg him to stay.

Kurumi did ask me to be her date, but knowing her, but I just assumed she was joking.

I laid on my back in bed, scanning the pages of the book I was reading. I held the book with two hands up in the air, my arms getting tired of holding the papers. Still, after these few weeks of not being in contact with Levi still made me hope that whenever I got a notification on my phone, it was him.

Although my mindset did change a little, I still miss him. We didn't even get a chance to talk everything out. He didn't give me a chance.

I groaned as I rested the book on top of my tummy whilst closing my eyes. I wanted to take a nap, but it got interrupted quickly by someone knocking on my door. I sighed as I got up and walked over to the door, opening it and locking eyes with Eren.


''Hey, Y/N,'' he smiled awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. I looked at him for a second, feeling the awkward tension between us immediately. I stepped aside, letting him walk into my room before closing the door.

''What's up? You seem awkward.''

''Jean, he—''

''What does he want now!?'' I groan as I walk back to my bed, letting myself fall on top of it as I bury my face into my pillows. I hear Eren laugh softly whilst closing the door and taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

''He told me Marco wanted to talk to you.''


''Yes!'' I turn around to lay on my back, narrowing my eyes as I see Eren grin mischievously, ''Marco?'' I repeat.

''He's Jean's good friend, I'm sure you've seen him in class.''

I thought for a second until Marco's kind, freckled face popped up into my mind. ''OH, him! why does he want to talk to me? I don't recall speaking to him really...'' I hum as I place a single finger on my chin.

Eren shrugs casually, signalling he also doesn't know a thing about why Marco wants to talk to me. ''So, do you know where he is?'' I ask Eren who looks up from the phone he had just gotten out of his pocket.

''He said he'd be in front of the school, but Y/N.. what if he asks you out?''


''I'm joking!'' Eren suddenly laughs and I just shake my head, letting a soft laugh escape my lips before standing up, ''I think he might ask you to be his date for prom.''

''Maybe...'' I mutter as I stare back at my reflection in the mirror, ''but maybe he just needs some help with homework... I don't know.''

''If he does ask you to be his date, what will you say?''

''I will say yes.''

''What about Levi?''

''What about Levi?'' I repeat his words, ''Levi hasn't said a single thing to me ever since we left the restaurant... I'm not going to beg him to come back to me. If he doesn't want me, it's fine. It hurts, but it's fine.''

Eren kept quiet for a few seconds as he nibbled on his bottom lip, ''are you fine, though?''

''Me?'' I widen my eyes, ''I'll manage, Eren. Don't worry,'' I force a smile before ruffling the top of his hair. We both walk out of my room, saying bye to each other as he leaves to go to his own, and I make my way to the front of the school.

I sigh as the cold air hits my face, wrapping my arms around my body as I'm not used to the cold temperature just yet. The afternoon sun shining directly into my eyes made me narrow them. I look around, trying to find Marco, but couldn't find him.

''In front of the school my ass,'' I whisper to myself before feeling a tap on my shoulder, causing me to turn around quickly and meet Marco's sweet brown eyes. A faint blush was painted on his cheeks as his friendly smile almost made me melt.

''Hey,'' he says and I greet him back whilst my eyes land on the big bouquet of red roses in his hand. He follows my eyes, realising I'm staring at the flowers he was holding. ''Here, I got them for you,'' he smiles as he hands me over the flowers.

''Thank you,'' I whisper shyly, feeling my cheeks heat up. I had never talked to Marco before, so for him to suddenly give me flowers felt a little odd. Almost too odd, like, what if Jean told him to do this to prank me? No, that can't be it, right?

''As much as I love the flowers, Marco, why did you want to talk to me?''

''I was wondering... if you wanted to be my date at prom tomorrow evening.''

My eyes slightly widen as my jaw drops, so Eren was right. Marco's kindness and the peaceful vibe around him almost made me feel uncomfortable. As sweet as I thought this was, I couldn't help but feel like there was more to it than this. I bite my bottom lip nervously before unconsciously nodding my head, causing a big smile to appear on Marco's face.



I'm so sorry for the late updates :(

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