Thirty seven

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Warning; slight sexual content

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Warning; slight sexual content


''Huuuuh, a shower?'' I yelp as I watch him get out of my bed, walking over to the door that leads to my bathroom. I pull the blankets over me, almost hiding under them as I watch Levi expecting me to get out of bed. He leans his hand on the door handle as he waits for me.

''What's the matter, brat? Tch, it's not like I've never seen your naked body before,'' he said awfully casually as he leaned the side of his body smoothly against the wooden door. I swallowed thickly as I bit my bottom lip. ''Alright, if you don't feel comfortable then you should shower first.''

I pursed my lips as my eyes shifted to the ground. I wasn't uncomfortable like he thought, he had already seen me with no clothes on. The reason why I didn't want to shower together and possibly go for another round is because I am sore down there. Though the idea of him washing my hair gently was appealing, I didn't want to take the risk.

''It.... hurts-,'' I squeak and I watch Levi raise his brows slowly before knitting them together and giving me one of his stoic, but strict looks. He didn't understand what I was talking about. ''-Down there,'' I finished my sentence. My body cringed because of the way I had to tell him, but it was his fault for not understanding.

His jaw dropped slightly and his eyes didn't leave mine. He cleared his throat and nodded, ''I understand, brat,'' he said with a hint of laughter. ''Do you think this is funny?'' I gawk and push the blankets down, away from my face. I turn on the lamp that stands on my bedside table to get a better look at his face, the small smile now better to see.

''No. I would never,'' he raised his head slightly and inhaled deeply before letting his hand slide off the metal door handle. ''Now go on. Take a shower,'' he said with his arms crossed in front of his chest. I roll my eyes playfully before getting out of my bed and quickly putting on a robe, not letting him get to see too much of my body.

''You're beautiful. You don't have to be so shy, brat,'' Levi says and takes a step towards me, sliding his hand around my waist and pulling me closer to his body. The thin fabric of the robe let me feel everything and my cheeks started to fire up swiftly.

''A-Ah, thank you,'' I blurted out before lightly pushing him away, ''I'm going to take a shower now... and don't try to get in with me!''

''Tch,'' Levi rolled his eyes and took a step aside as he walked over to the pile of clothes that were messily spread across the room, ''filthy,'' he whispers. I let out a snort before quickly covering my mouth, opening the door and closing it as quick as possible.

''Why did you lock the door? Let me brush my teeth, L/N,'' I hear Levi sigh from the other side of the door just as I let the robe fall onto the ground. I roll my eyes and click my tongue, ''Levi, you can wait,'' I sigh and turn on the shower, letting the water warm up before stepping inside the shower cabin. The waterdrops falling onto my soft skin, heating it up quickly.

I close my eyes and let the water run over my face. The heat of the water soothed me and let my body relax until I heard the door open. My body froze and a slight annoyance filled my body as I covered my body with my hands. ''Levi...'' I whined and wiped the condensation off the glass doors as I watched him strip himself from the clothes he probably just put on.

''What are you doing?''

''Saving up water,'' he bluntly replied and closed the glass doors when he got in. I stared at him, my face turning red when realising what he was doing. ''Ehhh?'' my eyes widen when I watch him take a step closer to me, placing his hand gently on my cheek before kissing the top of my head.

''Taking a shower together doesn't have to be sexual, brat. Damn.''

I giggle awkwardly as I watch him take a bottle of my shampoo into his hand, lathering some of the soap onto the palm of his hand. ''Turn around,'' he demanded and I did what I got told, feeling a little awkward still. He started to wash my hair, running his fingers through it and massaging my scalp. It felt nice and my tensed up body relaxed to his delicate, gentle touch.

He then took the shower head in his hands, washing the soap out of my hair as he tried his best not to get any of it in my eye. He was so gentle and careful. He put the showerhead back to its place before taking some conditioner and put it into the ends of my hair, leaving it for about thirty seconds and then washed that out as well.

''I don't have any shampoo for men, though,'' I mutter as I turn around, still covering up some of my body. ''It's okay,'' he replies, pushing my hands away from the places I was hiding, ''you're beautiful. There's no need to cover yourself up like that.''

''Ha... thank you,'' I thank him awkwardly, ''your hair is going to smell like mine.'' Why did I just say that? Levi quirked his brow before looking away, a small smile appearing on his face before he cleared his throat and handed me the shampoo. I lathered the soap onto my hand and ran my hands through his hair the same way he did with me, massaging his scalp and all. I watched him close his eyes, probably enjoying the feeling a lot.

''Prom,'' he suddenly says and I narrow my eyes, knitting my brows together at once. ''Prom?'' I repeated his words, I tilting my head to the side as I carefully wash the soap out of his hair.

''Yeah, it's four eyes' idea.''

''But the festival ended a day ago?'' I said, confused why we would have another thing organized by the school. ''True,'' he sighed, ''but Hange wanted something to end the third semester with, so, it's going to be held in a few weeks.''

''That's is sweet. Hange is always very enthusiastic about these kinds of things.''

Levi rolled his eyes, ''Tch. It's annoying.''


Hi <3

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 〆 Levi Ackerman x Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now