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I'm not quite sure how to call it, but there's a 'not wanted kissing scene' in this chapter. Please do not read it if it makes you feel uncomfortable. You can skip that little part if you want.



As I'm walking to my friends with tears burning in my eyes, I get stopped by someone grabbing my arm.

''Hey... Are you okay?'' I heard the person say.

''Yeah... sure, Reiner...'' I whisper and yank my arm free from his grip.

''Y/N... I'm very sorry if I'm making it look like I'm trying to ruin your time here at school... I'm not. I know I've hurt you in the past. I'm not telling you to be in a relationship with me... if you still have feelings for me then I'll be glad to accept them but I will never force you. I'm sorry if I made myself seem like a bad guy... I'm just trying to be your friend.''

I turned around slowly and looked into Reiner's eyes. They softened as they saw a tear roll down my cheek and he gently gripped my arm again and lead me outside of the school building.

The chilly air hit my face and I shivered from the sudden cold feeling.

''Here, it's cold outside,'' Reiner said as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around me, ''let's sit down somewhere.''

We walked a little further away from the building and sat down on a bench. I felt Reiner sit next to me and he looked up at the starry sky. The sky was filled with a billion little white stars and you got lost in thought looking at them. The sight was mesmerizing.

''I'm sorry for cheating on you Y/N, it was the biggest mistake I have ever made. I was dumb. Brainless.''

''Yeah... Yeah, you are'' I bluntly say.

''A-Are?'' he stutters and looks at me with big eyes and I giggle at the sight.

''I'm just teasing you, stupid'' I giggle and Reiner's face relaxes into a warm smile.

''You know... I very much regret it... Y/N. You're a blessing. Everyone is lucky to have you in their life. And your next boyfriend will be incredibly lucky to have you as their girlfriend. Damn, I should've fought for you back then.''

''Sure,'' I sigh and scratch the top of my head ''not too sure about that.''

''What are you saying? You're perfect in my eyes. I would die to get another chance... but I know that won't happen anyway...''

I looked at him as he stared at the stars. His face got slightly lit up by the moonlight. I heard him huff and I bit my bottom lip nervously.

''I'm sure you'll find someone, Reiner, don't worry'' I tried to comfort him and he didn't reply.

''I just want you though... nobody else'' I feel his hand rest on my knee and I take in a sharp breath. I quickly brushed away the strange feeling that was creeping up on me. He only wanted to comfort me. The things he was saying are real.

''I wish I could kiss you one more time,'' he whispered as I met his gaze in shock. What did he just say? I saw him lean in and I turn my face away.

''Reiner,'' I giggle awkwardly, trying to make the situation less uncomfortable.

''Just one,'' he tried.


''Come on, don't be difficult,'' he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

I felt him get closer to me, despite me turning my head away from him and rejecting his request. He didn't give up.

''Get the fuck away from her,'' I heard someone say and before I knew it I saw Reiner laying on the ground as he held his hand on his cheek.

''L-Levi?'' I gasp as I see him kick Reiner in his stomach as blood runs out of nose and a red cut is on his lip. My body freezes as I see my boyfriend in full rage, going berserk on the boy on the ground.

''S-Stop dude! It's not my fault! She seduced me! She's just a slut!''

''Come again?!'' Levi yells and grits his teeth as he lifts Reiner at his collar ''you've got a big mouth, swine.''

''She's a who-''

And he got punched again.

''Stop!'' I cried out and ran to Levi grabbing both his shoulders with my hands as I tried to pull him away.

''Tch. You idiot.'' Levi spoke with a deep voice as he let go of Reiner who fell onto the ground with a thump.

Levi grabbed my hand harshly and held it tightly. He walked quickly through the crowd of people as he still held my hand. Did he forget we are at school? Hello?

''Y/N...?'' I stood still and yanked my hand away from Levi as fast as I possibly could. My body froze and I clenched my jaw. My eyes were big and I started to shake on my legs. Please for the love of god tell me they didn't see my teacher holding my hand. Please.

''Hina and I are going home... do not bother going with us, I'm ashamed of the behaviour you showed tonight and quite frankly I'm also hurt. I'm sure you can stay with one of your friends this weekend, that way your old man won't bother you with the person he loves.''

''Yes, father,'' I say and keep my head low as my head flushed a bright shade of red. A feeling of guilt filled me. I just couldn't accept the fact that he was moving on with his life. Maybe it was better for me to not see my dad for a while.

''Alright,'' he sighs ''I'll see you next weekend then.''

''Yup,'' is all I managed to get out of my throat.

I looked up to see Levi with very messy hair and a frown on his face as his arms folded in front of his chest.

''You can come with me this weekend if you want.''

I don't really know how to feel about this chapter lol.
I hope you enjoyed it though!

Also, if you want to talk to me, you can! My discord is in my bio (:

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