Twenty eight

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''Let's get to class,'' Tsukasa mumbles as he stands up, followed by the rest at the table. We had History two times today, one hour before the lunch break and the second one after. I liked it because history was interesting to me and it was nice to see Levi. I sighed as I swung my bag around my shoulder and stood up, picking up my tray of food and placed it where the others put their used plates etc.

''Are you okay?'' Eren made sure, he obviously noticed Levi's strange behaviour as well and knew it would affect me. I looked at him and smiled, ''of course. I'm just worried about Levi''. Eren nodded as he continued to walk next to me.

''If Erwin did find out, I'm sure Levi will find a way to fix the problem''

''Hmm, maybe. I don't know what I'd do with myself though''

Eren frowned his eyebrows, ''what do you mean?''

''I mean, it will be my fault mainly. I think. I knew what I was getting myself into and I know the risk I was taking''

''I'm sure he knew as well. Why else would he date you?''

''I know, but I'll still feel bad about myself.''

''Understandable, but Levi wouldn't take the risk if it wasn't worth it.''

I walked next to Eren, not saying a word to each other. I nervously bit my bottom lip and took in a deep breath. 'I guess I'll ask him after class,' I thought to myself. I looked to my side, Eren was obviously deep in thoughts until he cleared his throat.

''Are you doubting your relationship?'' he asked and I raised my brows, mouth slightly open. I thought deeply about his question. I wasn't doubting my relationship, but it was difficult. A student falling in love with their teacher is like forbidden love. It's illegal, no matter your age, no matter if you're mature or not. But you can't choose not to fall in love. You can try to hide your feelings, ignore them and don't act on them.

''No. I just wish I had done things differently.''

Eren bit his bottom lip, ''you shouldn't regret things in your past, you can't do anything about them now anyway.''

''I know.''

''Regretting things will only upset you and make you feel insecure or angry, but you can't change the things you've done. You can only learn from the mistakes you've made, and be a better person.''

I inhaled deeply and smiled at Eren, who looked at the ground as we reached the door of the classroom. ''Thank you, Eren'' I thanked him and a slight blush crept onto his face, heating his cheeks softly.

He mumbled something I couldn't understand and decide to let it slide, assuming it was some kind of insult anyway. We walked into the classroom and I sat down on my usual seat next to the classroom. I rested my head on my hand as I tiredly stared outside.

''I can take this seat, right?'' someone asked me and I looked up, meeting Reiner's eyes. I cringed seeing him and I pursed my lips together.

''No, you can't. That's Eren's seat.''

''Is it? I don't see him anywhere'' he smirked and I looked around the classroom, Eren stood next to Levi's desk, not paying attention at all. I looked back at Reiner, who's smirk got bigger, ''well?''

''I don't want to sit next to you, like, ever,'' I sighed, growing annoyed of having him stand next to me. I broke the eye contact and looked at Eren again, waving my hand at him as I tried to get his attention.

''Eren!'' I said and Eren looked up at me, tapping his fingers on Levi's desk. ''Come sit next to me before this big idiot takes your seat!'' Eren looked at Reiner and frowned his eyes. He walked over to me and stood still next to Reiner, arms crossed in front of his chest and looking up, considering their height difference.

''Let Reiner sit next to Y/N, Eren'' Jean said who had also entered the classroom by now. He stood in the same position as Eren, arms crossed in front of his chest and a big frown plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes.

''Reiner, give up, I don't want to sit next to you! This is so childish.'' I shook my head slowly and squinted my eyes. This argument made them look like five-year-olds. Can't those idiots just sit next to each other and annoy each other instead of me?

''Shut up, horse face!'' Eren said through gritted teeth and Jean started to argue back. I covered my eyes with my hands and groaned.

''Y/N, it's just for an hour.''

''I can't stand you longer than 5 minutes.''

Reiner kept quiet and I removed my hands from my eyes. ''What?'' I asked him seeing him frown his brows at me. I stood up, wanting to pick a different place to sit, but got interrupted by Levi's deep voice.

''Brats, what's going on here?'' he walked towards us, seeing Reiner, Eren and Jean all stand next to me. He looked at me for a second, his face expression almost asking me 'What's going on here?' I sighed and looked at Reiner before looking at Levi.

''Reiner wants to sit next to me, I told him no because I rather sit next to Eren. He's childish and can't take no for an answer.''

''Seems like this argument is more childish, L/N. Are all of you still in kindergarten? Arguing over a seat? Tch. Eren, you sit next to Y/N like usual.''

''Are you sure, mister Ackerman?'' Reiner now faced Levi with a malicious grin on his face. Levi repositioned himself and cleared his throat, eyes getting darker by the second. I narrowed my own, trying to understand what was going on.

''Right, change is good. Eren, stop whining like a little girl and sit next to someone else for this hour.''

''What?!'' Eren and I said at the same time before looking at each other. I sank back into my chair, head already starting to hurt knowing I had to stop myself from yelling at Reiner for an hour straight.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 〆 Levi Ackerman x Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now