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" damn bitch how long you gon be sleep"

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up

" get the fuck up im here bitch" kiara said holding her arms out and smiling

I slowly sat up and looked at her

" the fuck you doin on the floor" she questioned looking at me

I stretched my arms out and got up

" me and jahseh was sleeping on the floor but I guess he left me here " I shrugged

" why was y'all sleepin on the fl- anyways I saw the bitch" she said putting her hand on her hip

" wait" I said holding my finger out " why you ain't text me you was coming today" I said looking at her

" I most definitely said I was you want me to pull up the messages" she questioned looking at me

I shook my head

"We'll about the new girl I talked to her last night she actually chill" I said shrugging

" bull shit" she said rolling her eyes " she prolly plotting right now " she added squinting her eyes and pointing in my face

I looked at her and started laughing

" you don't see how crazy your acting do you" I laughed sitting down on the bed

" I'm not fuckin crazy that bitch is I can see it in her eyes" she said pointing to her own eyes

" see your crazy" I said grabbing my phone and walking out the room

" bitch I'm telling you I'm not" she said as she followed behind me

" mmmhm" I said brushing her off " you haven't even given her a chance" I said stopping at the top of the steps and turning towards her

" Ian giving that bitch a chance I already see what she's trying to do" she said rolling her eyes

I groaned and walked down the steps

" what the fu-

" what are y'all doing" I questioned as I walked down the stairs

" I was showing jahseh this cool massage my boyfriend do for me it really relaxes your body" miracle said rubbing all over jahseh arm and hands

" so is it working" she asked looking at jahseh

" yea a little" he shrugged

" he said he been stressed out lately so I was just helping him" she said looking at me

I stood there frozen

" so you just gon let this bitch" kiara whispered " rub her nasty little paws all over ya ni- see that couldn't be me I woulda snatched that bitch by the throat" kiara said shaking her head

" umm miracle he's okay you can stop now" I said walking over to them

She looked at me then jahseh

" do you want me to stop" she questioned jahseh

" oh bitch you finna get me heated" kiara said while walking off

" ummm yea you can stop" I said moving her hand gently away from him

Jahseh just pulled his phone out and started scrolling

" you want one too" miracle asked smiling up at me

" no thank you" I said politely before sitting on the opposite side of jahseh

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