Baby shower

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5 weeks later

" kiara you burned me like five times can you slow down oh my gosh" I said getting irritated

" bitch because you keep moving your fuckin head stay the fuck still damn" she responded finishing her curl

I sucked my teeth and looked down at my phone

" bitch.... Move again I promise you gon be doing your own hair and make up" she said holding the flat iron and staring at me

I rolled my eyes and put my phone down

" ohh shit I need to do my toes" I said holding my leg up and looking at my feet

" I thought you got them done when you got your nails done" she said eyeing me with a confused expression

" nahh I wanted to do them myself I got the little glue on toe nails" I said looking up at her and smiling

" well after I pin your hair up you can do your toes while I'm in the shower" she said putting the flat iron on the dresser

I nodded my head

" pass me the pins" she said with one hand on her hip

I leaned forwards and handed her the pins

" thank you" she said happily as she grabbed the pins

Isaiah pov

" nigga blow the rest of the balloons up why you just standing there" stokeley said walking over to me

I leaned on the table and looked at him

" nigga I have asthma you want me to pass the fuck out and die" I questioned looking at him

" you only did four balloons how are you outta breath" he said dramaticly and pointing at the balloons

" BECAUSE BITCH I HAVE ASTHMA" I somewhat yelled

He sucked his teeth and shook his head

" get the fuck from here and go do your job" I said standing up and grabbing a balloon

He shook his head laughing and started walking away

I stretched the balloon out a little before I started blowing it up

2 seconds into giving the balloon my good needed oxygen

I started feeling a little light headed

I blew one last good time and I fell clean the fuck out

Jasmine pov

I turned around seeing something fall out the corner of my eye

I set the last cup cake up and walked over to the candy table

" aye stokeley w-

I stopped talking seeing Isaiah on the floor with a balloon flying around him releasing the air that was inside

I started busting out laughing

He slowly lifted his head and started looking around

" I told that bitch ass nigga I needed my air" he mumbled tryna get up

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