sleep talk

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" everybody is sleep" jahseh whispered as he walked into the room 

i yawned and put a thumbs up 

the party has been over for a few hours now and I'm very tired from it all

" juri" jahseh said as he got in the bed 

i gave him a questionable look

" huh" i said 

" lets name her jema" he responded

i shook my head

" I don't like that" i said " what about harmony" i questioned

he shook his head

" that's basic as hell" he responded " i want something barely anybody have 

" sanjay.. joykel..." i said just naming random names 

he started laughing 

" none of those" he chuckled 

" ouu what about sayir" i said getting excited

he paused and looked at me for a minute

" sayir juri" he whispered " juri sayir ria onfroy" jahseh said a little louder

" ok ok i like that i really like that" i said nodding my head

" juri sayir ria onfroy" he said again smiling 

" we found our baby name" i said laughing a little " in under 10 minutes" i added

he started laughing 

" its different alright" he laughed

" they gon have something to say about the name" i chuckled 

" fuck them it aint they child" jahseh laughed " and juri isn't a bad name unlike jay'chez" he laughed 

I hit him a little 

" don't be talking about chez name" i laughed 

he shook his head 

" well baby I'm tired so I'm going to go to sleep" i said rolling over on my side

" why you turned around that way" he said pulling me to my other side

" because this side more comfortable , don't move me I'm going to have a attitude" i responded turning back to my side 

he groaned then laid down beside me 

" good night juri" he mumbled 

" oh so no goodnight to me" i said looking at him 

" good night baby" he laughed 

i pressed my lips together before i started to close my eyes  


ignore any mistakes 

hey yalll havent been on here in a minute but I'm back for a couple of days 

this book has about two more chapters left to it so yes its coming to a end... sadly 

i have been working on other books they not coming out anytime soon though 

after i finish this book im going to be done for a minute but dont worry i will be backkk ( i do have to finish one chapter someone told me to make for them for my images book so imma do that too) 

but hope you enjoyed 

i likes my time here with yall and thank everyone who has been here since the first book you are appreciated 

thank you for all the likes and comments they made me laugh i still to this day go back and read them but yea here's the chapter I'm sure yall been waiting on 

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