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" no no no bitch I messed uuppp" I whined on the phone " I kissed him and and oh my goshhh"

Kiara was on the phone laughing

" well y'all didn't fuck so it's not even that bad all it was was a kiss and a little grinding" she responded " it's not that serious" she added

I put both of my hands on my head

" I hate myself" I mumbled

" bitchhh" she dragged out " okay boom you and jahseh are on a break it don't even really count as cheating" she added

I shook my head

" I can't even look at jahseh any more the guilt is going to kill mee" I cried

I threw myself onto my pillow and buried my face in my bed

" you were high anyways" kiara shrugged

I wiped my face and sat up

"I'm gonna tell him" I said sniffing

" and he's gonna beat ya ass" she responded shaking her head " please don't do that" she chuckled

I ran my hands down my face
" we should just break up all the way right" I said looking into the camera

" your actually overthinking it" she responded rolling her eyes

I let out a breath and bit the inside of my lip

" I'm about to sleep it off" I groaned hanging up

I put my phone under my pillow and laid down closing my eyes


30 minutes later

I woke up to my phone vibrating

I opened my eyes slowly and looked at my phone

Incoming call from nobody

My eyes widened and I started to panic

I declined the call and quickly sat up

My phone ring again getting the same call

I picked my phone up and answered it

" ma maaa" jahseh said smiling in the camera

I covered my face with both of my hands

" hi" I said dryly

" what's wrong"  he questioned tilting his head

I shook my head

" why do you sound so sad" he asked

" I just woke up" I responded

He nodded his head a little and smiled

" you still mad" he questioned chuckling

The guilt I was feeling inside was completely killing me

" I feel like dyinggggg" I dragged out before quickly covering my mouth

" huh" he questioned holding a concerned look on his face

I looked quickly around the room trying to find a excuse

" imma come over there" he said getting up and moving around

" NO" I shouted by mistake " Ouu I mean no I'm fine" I said in a lower tone

" what are you acting weird for" he said looking in the phone

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