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Kiara left about a hour ago and me and my mother were just sitting in my room talking about this whole situation

" so Mia if you thought she was going to do something with jahseh why would you leave the house" she questioned

" because I just didn't want to be there any more and if something do happen between them which I really pray nothing happens I will just break up with him" I shrugged

She rubbed her hands together

" do you trust jahseh" she questioned

I nodded my head

" the person I don't trust is her she's doing small stuff that just don't sit right with me anymore" I said

" like what" she responded

" okay so the first time I was coming down stairs and I hear her say something like do you think you would ever break up with her or something like that" I said

My mother jaw dropped

" you know I had a high school friend who did that same thing to me and your father and that bitch told me she wasn't doing anything she was just asking a question basically just a bunch of bull shit and Mia guess what" she said pausing and looking at me

" what" I questioned with a chuckle

" that same bitch tricked me into putting my guard down around her and fucked your dad and guess what that bitch got pregnant" she said shaking her head

" PREGNANT" I shouted

She nodded her head with a slight smile

" this whole time I have a SIBLINGG" I said completely shocked

She nodded her head again

" I don't fool with that bitch and I sure don't fool with your father and that demon spawn of a son they had can go straight to hell with them" she added crossing her arms

I covered my mouth

" I HAVE A BROTHERR" I screamed falling  back on my bed

She nodded her head again

" wowww" I said nodding my head slowly " this is crazy I wanna meet him" I said smiling

She pressed her lips together and told me to continue my story

" I still wanna know about my brother but back to the story" I said clapping my hand " so that was the first time and the second time which is the thing that made me leave I caught her giving his arm a massage like she was sliding her hand all up and down his arm" I explained

She shook her head

" the bitch ain't no good" she said shaking her head " don't trust girls like that she knows that's your man and continues to do things like that that's a no" she added

" kiara don't trust her either" I said

She flung her arms up

" we'll shit you know kiara be knowing shit sometimes" she said

I looked to the side and raised my eyebrows

"Yea sometimes" I responded

There was suddenly three loud bangs on the door

I jumped up and rolled on the floor

" ma who is that" I questioned scooting slowly  into my closet

She started laughing

" get up and go get the door my friend is supposed to be coming over" she laughed getting up

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