Curb sitter

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4 days later

6:26 am



I Jumped up from my sleep Due to my mother screaming my name

" YESSS" I yelled back

I reached over for my phone looking at the time

" 6:26 bro it's too fuckin early" I groaned Immediately catching a attitude

" COME HERE" she yelled

I threw my covers off my body in a swift motion

" too fuckin early to be askin me to do stupid shit" I mumbled as I walked out my room

I walked into her room seeing her laying on the bed

" yes" I said Lowly looking at her

" get up clean my house and then go pick up some stuff from the store I have a guest coming over later tonight" she responded

My face dropped and my irritated mood turned to anger

" ma its 6 o'clock in the morning" I said staring at her with a straight face

She sat up quickly and stared at me

" Mia I don't give a damn what time it is " she said rolling her eyes

" what time is your company coming" I questioned

" around 3" she responded

I sucked my teeth

" and I have to clean up right now" I groaned

" first off who the fuck you suckin your teeth at" she said raising her eyebrow

I looked around the room

" huh?" She questioned leaning forwards " who you suckin your teeth at"

" the situation not you" I said

" dont suck your teeth around me and yes you have to do every thing right now I don't give a damn if it's 6 in the morning or not you don't do shit anyways" she said laying back down

I just turned around and walked out her room

" it's too fucking early for this" I whined feeling myself about to cry

I walked into my room and mistakenly slammed the door

I froze in place staring at the door

" oh . Shit" I said slowly as I heard heavy foot steps coming towards the door

" KAMIA STOP FUCKIN PLAYIN WITH ME" my mother yelled busting in my room breaking the top of the door

" YOU HAVE A FUCKIN ATTITUDE FOR WHAT" she screamed getting closer and closer to me

I started backing up from her

" YOU DONT PAY SHIT IN THIS HOUSE AND YOUR BEING DISRESPECTFUL AS FUCK" she screamed getting even louder and pointing her finger in my face

" ma can you move" I said calmly


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